NHS Five Year Plan, view the program

Help to create a new era of healthcare… The ambition of the NHS with the Five Year Forward View was to set out a shared view about the kind of health and care service that England deserves in 2020

The commitment to at least £8bn of additional funding announced by the government is destined to support the changes needed to shape the future NHS. To meet the needs of patients in a sustainable way, the NHS needs to close three gaps in health care: the health and wellbeing gap, the care and quality gap, and the funding and efficiency gap.

The NHS cannot close these three gaps alone. It will need the cooperation between partners across health and social care in local and national government, individuals and their communities, the corporate and charitable sectors to use their levers, unleashing local energies to help create a new era of healthcare.

The NHS must become a pro-active agent of change, taking bold action in partnership with individuals, local government and third sector bodies to ‘bend the curve’ on predicted trends. Join us at the NHS Five Year Plan: Implementation and Progress to hear how new models of care can drive better outcomes for patients and the health system.


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