Anorgasmia (frigidity) - The female orgasm

The female orgasm is defined, on a physiological level, as a reflex that is generated mainly by stimulation of sensory nerves located in the clitoris, but also by impulses from other areas, including the vaginal access and the nipples

Visual defects, let's talk about presbyopia

Unlike astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness, presbyopia is not a refractive error. Instead, it is a physiological reduction of the accommodative amplitude and, therefore, of the maximum level of accommodation that an eye…

Congenital clubfoot: what is it?

Congenital clubfoot is a malformation of the foot that occurs from birth. Its name derives from the fact that its main characteristic is a persistent foot deformity that prevents normal standing on the ground

Low Hemoglobin: causes and treatment

Hemoglobin is a protein in your red blood cells. Your red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body. If you have a condition that affects your body’s ability to make red blood cells, your hemoglobin levels may drop

Extracorporeal circulation: an overview

The extracorporeal circulation allows oxygenation and pumping of the circulating blood during cardiac surgery generally performed with a stopped heart; the heart will be stopped, for example, to repair or replace a valve or ascending aorta…

Thyroid ophthalmopathy: what is it?

Thyroid ophthalmopathy - also known by the medical term Basedownian ophthalmopathy - is one of the clinical manifestations of Basedow-Graves Disease, i.e. an autoimmune thyroid disease, easily recognisable by its distinctive sign or…

Shoulder dislocation: what is it?

Let's talk about shoulder dislocation: the skeleton of the human body is made up of bones, all linked and connected to each other thanks to the joints which, based on their degree of mobility, are classified into fixed joints, mobile joints…

Dislocations: what are they?

What are dislocations? The bones that make up the human skeleton are bound together by joints that, according to their degree of mobility, are classified into fixed joints, mobile joints and semi-mobile joints

Lipomas, an overview

Lipomas are a form of benign tumour that affects adipose tissue and is very common. It is caused by an overgrowth of lipid cells surrounded by fibrous capsules