Alcohol-use disorders and Binge drinking: preventing harmful drinking

The Department of Health asked the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) to produce public health guidance on the prevention and early identification of alcohol use disorders among adults and adolescents.

The guidance is for government, industry and commerce, the NHS and all those whose actions affect the population’s attitude to – and use of – alcohol.

This includes commissioners, managers and practitioners working in local authorities, education and the wider public, private, voluntary and community sectors.

In addition, it may be of interest to members of the public. This is one of three pieces of NICE guidance addressing alcohol-related problems among people aged 10 years and older.

The guidance complements but does not replace, NICE guidance on school-based interventions on alcohol. It will also complement NICE guidance on personal, social and health education; prevention of cardiovascular disease; antenatal care; and associated guidance on alcohol-use disorders (management and dependence).

The Programme Development Group (PDG) developed these recommendations on the basis of reviews of the evidence, an economic analysis, expert advice, stakeholder comments and fieldwork.





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