Water Management in Surat - Resilient Cities in the Word!

India is making a big effort to face climate change and natural disasters which are more frequent every year. Populations must understand how to survive in such conditions and safety is not too much. That's why in Surat, they have decided to focus on water management.

Resilient cities: Surat, India and water management. Transforming the Tapi River

The Tapi River is the sole source of fresh drinking water available to Surat’s 5.5 million residents. A combination of untreated sewage from upstream settlements and industrial pollution has led to increased biological oxygen demand levels in the river system, that if left untreated will have critical consequences. Let’s check out why Surat is one of the resilient cities of the world and what its program for water management consists of.

What makes Surat a resilient city?

As part of its Resilience Strategy development work, the city has prioritized cleaning the Tapi River and transforming Surats’ relationship with their primary body of water. Benefits will include clean drinking
water for millions of citizens, enhanced potential for recreational areas along its corridor, and the restoration of its ecosystems.

Water management: the project

Project components will include improvements to the sewage infrastructure system including capturing sewage before it enters the river within the city and at upstream locations; setting up a comprehensive water quality monitoring and analysis system.

Physical interventions to provide public assess and recreational opportunities on both banks of the river.

Surat City has partnered with the City of Rotterdam through the European Union International Urban Cooperation program. Experts from Rotterdam will be helping Surat review and improve the Tapi River plan with a view to creating a mid-term development plan.


Based on this, Surat will be seeking technical guidance in water management, like: water sanitation, water monitoring, wastewater managementSurat is also seeking financial guidance and investment for the pre-feasibility study.

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