Emergency Backpacks: how to provide a proper maintenance?紧急背包:如何提供适当的维护? Video and tips视频和提示

Let us talk about emergency backpacks that any emergency medical professional – first responders, paramedics and rescuers – daily use.让我们谈谈紧急医疗背包,任何紧急医疗专业人员-急救人员,护理人员和救援人员-日常使用。 This pandemic that the Emergency Medical Services had to face in these months taught much, also about this “friend” that each EMS staff has.紧急医疗服务部门在这几个月不得不面对的这种流行病学到了很多东西,并且也说明了每个EMS工作人员都拥有的这个“朋友”。

冠状病毒大流行 强加依靠 清洁,消毒高效 设备. It is a priority that cannot find exceptions.这是找不到异常的优先事项。 Suddenly, in a very unpredictable way, the emergency operation center could find itself managing a COVID-19 outbreak and a red zone with an unspecified number of citizens, again.突然,紧急行动中心以一种非常无法预测的方式再次发现自己正在管理COVID-XNUMX疫情和一个红色区域,其中居民人数未定。 Let us talk about emergency backpacks and how to provide proper让我们谈谈紧急背包以及如何提供适当的背包 保养 给他们。


emergency backpack accidentLet's talk about emergency backpacks for first responders.让我们谈谈急救人员的紧急背包。 How this essential and protective tool could be reliable and performing when it has to “make the difference”?当必须“发挥作用”时,这种基本的保护性工具如何可靠并发挥作用?

斯宾塞 提供有关以下方面的建议 紧急背包的清洗和维护,具有非常清晰的图形和图表。

毕竟,斯潘塞(Spencer)代表着品质和尽责 EMS世界。 In its more than thirty years of history, the company from Parma (Italy), recently acquired by the German company Borromin and therefore “sister” of the well-known medical sector company在其三十多年的历史中,这家来自意大利帕尔马的公司最近被德国公司Borromin收购,因此是著名医疗领域公司的“姊妹” 索恩根,一直知道如何将对设计的关注与创新和产品质量相结合。

紧急背包 是自然需要的产品 保养,就像在所有领域一样,卓越是唯一的介绍。

“正确的 医疗设备维修,–国际采购经理Sally Anne Brown说–获得持续利益并保留资本投资至关重要。 医用器材 必须定期维护和校准 效用 。 It's all too easy to overlook your太容易忽略了你 紧急背包“。


因此,它们涉及专门用于 医护人员 作为 指挥背包 消防队,是专业救援人员的911背包,是登山救援人员的Alpen Sack。



rescuer backpack背包中的衣服是正常的,但要多加注意,因为它会大大提高其耐用性。

  • 周到地塞满您的紧急背包

Do not overfill your Spencer backpack.请勿将Spencer背包过满。 You really shouldn't carry more than 15% of your body weight.您的体重实在不应超过XNUMX%。

  • 调整适合您的正确尺寸

When determining the correct backpack size, how tall you are is not as important as your torso dimension.确定正确的背包尺寸时,身高不如躯干尺寸重要。 A person with short legs and a person with long legs can be exactly the same height but require backpacks of different sizes.腿短的人和腿长的人的身高可以完全相同,但需要的背包尺寸不同。 For this reason, it is important to choose an emergency backpack with adjustable shoulder straps, which, adapted to the correct torso size, will greatly increase its durability over time, avoiding deformation.因此,选择具有可调节肩带的应急背包很重要,它可以适应正确的躯干尺寸,随着时间的推移将大大提高其耐用性,避免变形。


emergency backpack spencerWe all know that zippers are the most delicate part of the backpacks in general.众所周知,拉链是背包中最精致的部分。 The zipper is a mechanism and the presence of dirt and dust can cause serious and permanent damage.拉链是一种机制,脏物和灰尘的存在会造成严重的永久性损坏。

  1. 用软刷保护它们免受污垢的侵害。
  2. 定期用一块布在拉链上擦一滴油。
  3. 如果您的紧急背包与盐水或其他腐蚀性液体接触,请确保尽快用清水冲洗拉链,以防止拉链杆腐蚀。


Regular cleaning can help minimize the build-up of dirt, but if your emergency backpack is very dirty or stained, you will need to wash it properly.定期清洁有助于最大程度地减少灰尘的积聚,但是如果紧急背包非常脏或弄脏,则需要正确清洗。 This guide explains exactly how to wash your backpack in the washing machine or by hand.本指南准确说明了如何在洗衣机中或用手清洗背包。



不是所有的 背包 ,那恭喜你, 机洗,因此在清洗前请务必检查其标签。 Make sure your backpack can fit in the确保您的背包可以放入 洗衣机 and has enough room to move around.并且有足够的移动空间。 Alternatively…或者... 手洗.

  1. 清空背包 and leave all pockets open.并打开所有的口袋。 Check the pockets for small objects and check the corners for any dirt deposits.检查口袋中是否有小物品,并检查角落是否有灰尘沉积。 If your backpack has a metal frame, remove it before washing;如果您的背包有金属架,请在洗涤前将其卸下;
  2. 用软刷和温和的清洁剂擦拭任何污渍。 Bloodstains can be removed from the fabric with cold water.可以用冷水从织物上去除血迹。 If necessary leave the backpack soaking in saltwater.如有必要,请将背包浸泡在盐水中。 If there is some dried blood, try soaking the backpack in a solution of ammonia and water.如果有干血,请尝试将背包浸入氨水溶液中。 Do not use hot water;不要使用热水; hot water will fix the stain permanently;热水将永久修复污渍;
  3. Put the backpack in a laundry bag.将背包放在洗衣袋中。 This will prevent the straps and Velcro from becoming entangled and damaging the bag or washing machine.这样可以防止皮带和维可牢尼龙搭扣缠在一起并损坏包装袋或洗衣机。 Alternatively, you can use a pillowcase.或者,您可以使用枕套。
  4. Use a small amount of mild detergent.使用少量的温和洗涤剂。 Normally a product is suitable for pure wool or sportswear.通常,产品适用于纯羊毛或运动服。 Do not use normal detergent, bleach or fabric softeners as they may damage the material.请勿使用普通的洗涤剂,漂白剂或织物柔软剂,因为它们可能会损坏材料。
  5. 在温水中轻柔地洗涤紧急背包。
  6. Let the backpack dry naturally.让背包自然干燥。 Never put it in a tumble dryer as this can cause damage.切勿将其放入滚筒式干衣机中,否则可能会造成损坏。 Instead, you should let the backpack dry naturally, away from any direct source of heat.相反,您应该让背包自然干燥,远离任何直接的热源。 Hanging the backpack upside down can help ensure that no water remains in the pockets or corners of the bag.将背包倒挂可帮助确保背包的口袋或角落没有积水。 Always make sure the backpack is completely dry before storing it.存放背包之前,请务必确保背包完全干燥。

紧急背包维修: 手洗

  1. Fill a bathtub or bowl with plenty of warm water.用大量温水装满浴缸或碗。 If the water is too hot, the colors of the backpack may fade.如果水太热,背包的颜色可能会褪色。
  2. 加入少量清洁剂。

It's good to remember that the emergency backpack follows the activity of an emergency responder day by day, thus crossing a multitude of different environments, from hospital to private homes: the advice kindly given by Spencer are therefore not only aimed at a prolonged life of the backpacks themselves but also to prevent them from becoming vehicles of transmission of various infections.最好记住,应急背包每天都在跟踪应急人员的活动,从而跨越从医院到私人住宅的多种不同环境:因此,斯宾塞提供的建议不仅针对延长医护人员的寿命。背包本身,也可以防止它们成为传播各种感染的工具。 For the responder对于响应者 他/她自己或他的机组人员。

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