
Bad weather in Piedmont: a deplorable and sad story where French first responders failed to intervene after help requests of 40 Italians in danger because of the bad weather.皮埃蒙特(Piedmont)的恶劣天气:这是一个令人遗憾和悲伤的故事,法国急救人员在XNUMX名因天气恶劣而处于危险中的意大利人的援助请求后未能进行干预。 This behaviour forced Italian responders to an unusual trespass.这种行为迫使意大利响应者采取了不同寻常的行动。


内是一种人的感觉,必须加以分析并且必须知道该如何处理。 对于医疗保健专业人员或紧急情况的第一响应者,感到内对于身体和精神健康以及对患者来说都是危险的。 什么是…


Anti-COVID-19 facemasks: there are schools that impose the obligation of surgical facemasks on students.抗COVID-XNUMX口罩:有些学校规定学生必须使用外科口罩。 Banned fabric masks, as if they were less effective.禁止使用织物口罩,好像效果较差。 But, this is not the indication that comes from scientists and doctors.但是,这并不是来自科学家和医生的迹象。


16年世界麻醉日将在2020年2020月XNUMX日举行。 In relation to this, the World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists organized a very interesting campaign to raise occupational wellbeing awareness.与此相关,世界麻醉医师协会联合会组织了一次非常有趣的运动,以提高职业健康意识。


Donald Trump and First Lady Melania turned out to be both positive to COVID-19.唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和第一夫人梅拉尼亚(Melania)原来对COVID-XNUMX都很乐观。 Trump posted the breaking news on his own Twitter profile.特朗普在自己的Twitter个人资料上发布了这一重大新闻。


Squalene is a term that alone would be enough to suggest a hoax.角鲨烯这个词足以说明一个骗局。 But it is not so.但事实并非如此。 It is a substance already much used by pharmaceutical companies, and for their announcement that they want to use it in the marketing of the vaccine.它是制药公司已经广泛使用的一种物质,并宣布要在疫苗销售中使用它。


Diabetics are more at risk to develop kidney failure.糖尿病患肾脏衰竭的风险更大。 Especially in case of tubular autophagy.特别是在管状自噬的情况下。 The University of Augsburg is issuing the following study on how these two diseases are linked in diabetics.奥格斯堡大学正在就糖尿病中这两种疾病之间的关系发表以下研究。


Japan is continuing to suffer the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic.日本继续遭受COVID-70大流行的影响。 Now, it's the time of the children.现在是孩子们的时间。 A survey declared that XNUMX% of Japanese kids are suffering from distress because of the pandemic.一项调查显示,有XNUMX%的日本孩子因大流行而遭受困扰。


Today the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) published an analysis on the populations affected by climate change.今天,红十字会与红新月会国际联合会(IFRC)发表了一份关于受气候变化影响的人口的分析报告。 Floods, droughts and hurricanes put on their knees many regions worldwide.洪水,干旱和飓风席卷了世界许多地区。

