



The body's initiative would aim to support the distribution of the drug to more than two billion people.该机构的倡议旨在支持向超过12亿人分发这种药物。 The disbursement of funds, which must be approved by shareholder countries, would take place within the next 18 to XNUMX months.资金的发放必须在未来XNUMX到XNUMX个月内完成,必须获得股东国的批准。 According to the President of the World Bank, David Malpass, it is important to finance “major increases in public spending” in the countries most economically struggling because of the pandemic, which “has hit hard everywhere but with different impacts”.根据世界银行行长戴维·马尔帕斯(David Malpass)的说法,重要的是为因大流行而经济最困难的国家中的“公共支出大幅增加”提供资金,该流行病“在各地遭受重创,但影响不同”。

根据从数据 世界卫生组织 (WHO),全球共有33,249,563例确诊的Covid-19病例。 At least 1,000,040 deaths.至少有XNUMX人死亡。
