
COVID-19 in the UK.英国的COVID-4。 The announcement of new partnership agreements with XNUMX London university labs will increase testing capacity by tens of thousands over the winter.宣布与伦敦的XNUMX个大学实验室建立新的合作伙伴关系协议将在整个冬季将测试能力提高数万。



Government Press release: In addition, the target of 500 test sites in the UK has now been reached.政府新闻稿:此外,目前已达到英国3.7个测试站点的目标。 With more sites opening every day, the median distance travelled for in-person tests is now just 4.3 miles, down from XNUMX miles the previous week.随着每天都有更多站点开放,面对面测试的平均距离现在仅为XNUMX英里,低于前一周的XNUMX英里。

In the latest week, pillar 1 and 2 testing capacity has increased by 7% to 1,921,358 tests.在最近一周,第27支柱和第31支柱的测试能力增加了25%,达到29。 The median time taken to receive a result from taking a test in person is now XNUMX to XNUMX hours, compared with XNUMX to XNUMX hours in the previous week.亲自接受考试的结果所需要的中位时间现在为XNUMX到XNUMX小时,而上周为XNUMX到XNUMX小时。

NHS Test and Trace继续覆盖了大多数阳性病例及其接触者。 51,475 people tested positive for COVID-19 for the first time in England this week, an increase of 56% on the previous week.本周,有74人在英国首次检测出COVID-82.2呈阳性,比前一周增加了71.3%。 The service successfully reached 83.7% of those people who tested positive and XNUMX% of contacts where communications details were provided.该服务成功覆盖了测试阳性的人员的XNUMX%和提供通信详细信息的联系人的XNUMX%。 This is in comparison with the previous week, when the service successfully reached XNUMX% of people who tested positive and XNUMX% of contacts where communications details were provided.与前一周相比,该服务成功地达到了测试阳性的人的XNUMX%和提供通信详细信息的联系人的XNUMX%。

NHS Test and Trace现在已经达到689,365人,其中包括那些测试呈阳性的人及其联系方式。

Local contact tracers contact those people who have tested positive and NHS Test and Trace have been unable to reach within 24 hours.当地的联系追踪人员会联系那些测试呈阳性且NHS测试和追踪未能在87小时内到达的人员。 Across the country, XNUMX local authority contact-tracing teams are now live, with more due to come online over the coming weeks.全国各地现已建立了XNUMX个地方当局联络追踪小组,并且在接下来的几周内将有更多小组上线。


All affected cases were immediately transferred to contact tracing on 3 October and a thorough public health risk assessment was undertaken to ensure outstanding cases were prioritised for contact tracing effectively.所有受影响的病例都立即于11,000月24日转移到接触者追踪中,并进行了彻底的公共卫生风险评估,以确保将未决病例优先用于有效的接触者追踪。 As a result, there were approximately 30 positive test results that would normally have entered the contact-tracing system during the course of this reporting period (XNUMX to XNUMX September) that did not do so until the following week.结果,在本报告所述期间(XNUMX月XNUMX日至XNUMX日),通常会有大约XNUMX个阳性测试结果进入接触者追踪系统,直到下周才进入测试。 Contact tracing in relation to those results will be covered in next week's publication.与这些结果相关的联系人跟踪将在下周的出版物中介绍。 In addition, currently, we report the time taken for cases and contacts to be reached from the time the case was referred to the contact-tracing system.此外,目前,我们报告从将案件转至联系追踪系统以来,案件和联系所花费的时间。 This means that delays in transferring cases to the contact-tracing system will not be captured in these statistics.这意味着在这些统计信息中不会记录将案件转移到联系人跟踪系统的延迟。

