
COVID-19 in Nigeria, a step forward in the fight against coronavirus of great importance.尼日利亚的COVID-19在对抗冠状病毒方面迈出了重要的一步。 The Minister of Health Olurunimbe Mamora announced that his department has developed a rapid test for the diagnosis of COVID-40 that provides results in less than XNUMX minutes and that it has such simplified methods of use that it can also be used by non-professionals in the health sector.卫生部长Olurunimbe Mamora宣布,他的部门已经开发出一种诊断COVID-XNUMX的快速测试方法,可在不到XNUMX分钟的时间内提供结果,并且使用方法如此简化,因此非专业人员也可以使用该方法。卫生部门。

COVID-19 快速检测 尼日利亚 –目的很明确:缩短感染和同一个人认识之间的时间。 It is a little bit the goal they intend to achieve in several countries, including Italy: the development of tests largely similar to those of pregnancy, to impose a sort of “pre-diagnosis”.他们打算在包括意大利在内的多个国家/地区中实现的目标有点:开发与妊娠测试基本相似的测试,以进行某种“预诊断”。


卫生部长Olurunimbe Mamora说,在尼日利亚开发的对COVID-19的快速测试成本比PCR方法低十倍。

The kit has yet to be approved by regulatory bodies but has raised the hope of increasing the low testing rate in the country.该工具包尚未获得监管机构的批准,但增加了提高该国低检测率的希望。 The test kit, known as SARS-COV-2 Isothermal Molecular Assay, was developed by the Medical Research Institute of Nigeria.该检测试剂盒被称为SARS-COV-XNUMX等温分子测定法,是由尼日利亚医学研究院开发的。

领导尼日利亚反COVID工作队的Boss Mustapha认为该测试对于有效应对非洲国家的流感大流行是基本的:低成本将在执行过程中为普通百姓提供便利,即使是富裕程度也不高的人。

So far Nigeria has carried out tests on just over 500,000 people in a population of about 200 million inhabitants.到目前为止,尼日利亚已对约58,647亿人口的1,111万多人进行了测试。 The country has registered XNUMX cases of coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic, including XNUMX victims.自大流行开始以来,该国已登记了XNUMX例冠状病毒病例,包括XNUMX名受害者。

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