
Guilt is a human feeling that must be analyzed and must be know how to manage.内是一种人的感觉,必须加以分析并且必须知道该如何处理。 For a healthcare professional or an emergency first responder, feeling guilty could be risky for physical and mental health, and for the patients, too.对于医疗保健专业人员或紧急情况的第一响应者,感到内对于身体和精神健康以及对患者来说都是危险的。 What is the role of defusion?穿刺的作用是什么?

在急救人员和医护人员中,“罪恶感也有作用。 在那里,您可以知道自己做错了什么,以便将来决定做更好的事情。 您需要的是信号,不要让情绪控制您的生活。 一旦您接受了这一点,您就可以继续前进,继续做点好事,对生活感到满意。” (理查德·班德勒和欧文·菲茨帕特里克)

The feeling that a first responder and a healthcare worker can perceive are different depending on their personality: “victim” forced to accept massacring shifts, because the course of the structure “depends on me”;急救人员和医护人员可能会感觉到的感觉因人格而异:“受害者”被迫接受大屠杀,因为结构的过程“取决于我”; giving in to psychological blackmail by the patient (even unconsciously), because his salvation, “depends on me”.病人(甚至是不自觉地)屈服于心理敲诈,因为他的救助“取决于我”。


Breaking this dynamic linked to the conditioning of guilt is not an easy path, but it is possible.打破这种与罪恶感相关的动力并非易事,但有可能。 The realities that first responders have to face are often very difficult from an emotional point of view.从情感的角度来看,急救人员必须面对的现实往往非常困难。

One example among all is the recovery of victims in major emergencies, whose sight is particularly difficult especially when it comes to children.其中一个例子是重大紧急事件中受害者的康复,他们的视线尤其困难,尤其是在儿童方面。 These interventions have a strong emotional impact on the healthcare worker, who can experience an infinite range of emotions ranging from sadness to guilt over the feeling of having failed the mission.这些干预措施会对医护人员产生强烈的情感影响,医护人员会因经历了失败而感到无尽的情绪,从悲伤到内。

通常,这些情绪的表现是不专业的,第一响应者实际上处于一种矛盾的状态,即在允许其他所有人“异常地起作用”的情况下“以健康的方式起作用”(Di Iorio, 2011)。





感觉 无助, or 有罪 这与患者反复死亡的治疗效果不佳的经历密切相关,此外还伴有除恐惧和焦虑外,其职业角色失败的经历。




(Young,B. et al。,2002)

解散 可以认为是“情绪化 急救”。 With defusing is attempted to provide support through active listening and sharing a common experience to counteract psychological isolation, mitigate guilt, anxiety, helplessness and encourage a feeling of greater control, has a containment function that starting from a cognitive level back to this with the teachings of operators on stress management techniques.尝试通过消除干扰来提供支持,方法是通过主动倾听并分享共同的经验来抵消心理上的孤立,减轻内,焦虑,无助和鼓励更大的控制感,并具有一种遏制功能,其功能从认知水平开始一直到教导压力管理技术的运营商。

个人和集体道路的重要性 专业健康顾问 在于预防药物滥用:药物的使用可以避免不良记忆,在情绪紧张时放松,尽管感到孤独或不安全而社交,尽管感到麻木不仁或情绪空虚也能从活动中获得乐趣,无睡眠噩梦或失眠问题。

In the teaching of relaxation techniques: to increase readiness, energy and clarity in making decisions and as a way to load yourself regularly.在放松技术的教学中:增加准备时的精力,精力和清晰性,并作为一种定期进行锻炼的方式。 In contributing to the creation of survivors' self-help groups: which can also arise spontaneously, but which can be given advice and specialist knowledge.在协助建立幸存者自助小组时:可以自发产生,但可以提供建议和专业知识。

Providing advice to team leaders and practitioners on stress reactions and strategies for managing them.向团队负责人和从业人员提供有关压力反应和管理策略的建议。 Facilitate group cohesion and peer support.促进团队凝聚力和同伴支持。 Provide opportunities for emotional openness.提供情感开放的机会。

Letizia Ciabattoni的文章

阅读 意大利文


Rita Di Iorio,Daniele Biondo,Psicosoccorso,Dall'incidente stradale al terremoto,EDIZIONI Magi,2011年


Orazio De Maria,“在卢梅里奥的Notiziario della Marina的Emergenza的每个操作人员的医疗质量要求” – 2012年,第53页。 XNUMX

Young,B。(et al。)(2002)。 L'Assistenza Psicologica nelle Emergenze,埃里克森,特伦托


