

Malaysia has seen a steady climb in COVID-19 cases in the past week in the aftermath of an election in the state of Sabah in Borneo on Sept 26. Authorities in Malaysia have warned that coronavirus restrictions may have to be reimposed if the trend continues, amid popular anger towards politicians who have been blamed for the spike.在XNUMX月XNUMX日婆罗洲的沙巴州选举之后,马来西亚过去一周的COVID-XNUMX病例呈稳定上升趋势。马来西亚当局警告说,如果这种趋势持续下去,可能必须重新实施冠状病毒限制措施,人们普遍对激怒了政治家的政客表示愤慨。 Now, the Prime Minister of Malaysia tested negative.现在,马来西亚总理测试为负面。


马来西亚总理穆希丁·雅辛(Muhyiddin Yassin)周三表示,在上周六参加由总理主持的高级别会议的一名部长感染了这种病毒后,他的办公室对冠状病毒进行了检测。

丹斯里·穆希丁(Tan Sri Muhyiddin)与13位部长和副部长一起在周一开始家庭隔离,原因是发现宗教事务部长Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri有Covid-19。

“总理目前身体健康。 However, he will continue self-quarantine until the end of the 14-day period set by the Ministry of Health,” the Prime Minister's Office said in a statement.但是,他将继续进行自我检疫,直到卫生部设定的XNUMX天期限结束为止。”总理府在一份声明中说。

