RETTmobil 2014: Forum of Global Importance
The 14th RETTmobil is the concentrate of tradition and progress, achievement and success, for which there is no comparison on our continent. An impulse for the industry and the economy. A must for all those who help and save. A stroke of luck for all who need help. The venue of Messe Galerie Fulda, an attractive location in the center of the Federal Republic of Germany, again for 3 days, is the first and indispensable address and platform for all full-time and volunteer helpers and rescuers from rescue organisations and fire services, for their professional and managerial personnel, for users and decision-makers from ministries, municipalities and associations.
On a total area of 70,000 square meters, there are 20 exhibition halls – also a new record – a large outdoor area and a perfected offroad terrain. Here are represented the manufacturers of ambulance and emergency rescue vehicles, exhibitors of vehicle equipment and conversion, emergency medicine, apparel and radio technology, publishers, trade associations, aid organisations and many related industries.
Already there are more records to report: more than 480 exhibitors from 19 countries, more than ever before, present themselves at the most important forum for innovation, safety, quality, competence and training. A record turnout of more than 25,000 trade visitors is expected. The impressive development, excellent reputation and enormous success of RETTmobil in just 12 years from a national trade show to an international top-ranking exhibition is based on three pillars: Exhibition , Education and Mobility
The 14th RETTmobil presents products, innovations and services, such as products of the leading manufacturers of ambulance and rescue vehicles, renowned exhibitors from the areas of vehicle equipment and conversion, emergency medicine, apparell, wireless technology, publishers, trade associations, aid agencies, fire services, civil defense and German Bundeswehr, as well as products from many related industries.
Education and Training:
An important addition to the extensive range of information provided at RETTmobil is the education and training section with renowned speakers. “From practice – for Practice”is the motto of the emergency medical-rescue presentations and workshops on key disciplines. In numerous sessions rescue technology and emergency medicine in their countless facets are shown. The congress programme is available online.
The importance of RETTmobil is again confirmed by the participation of the Working Group of Fire Services in Rescue Service (AG FReDi), which organises the Exhibition Forum in hall 7 and contributes the programme framework. Topics at the forum are “Simulation of Patient Care” and “Emergency Rescue Vehicles and their Equipment”.
At a panel discussion on the opening day, May 14 at 11:15am, the “Implementation of the Emergency Paramedics Law – Guarantee for a Uniform Education” is discussed, hosted by moderator Dr. Klaus Friedrich, Vice Federal Fire Services Physician (German Fire Services Association – DFV e.V.).
The excellent education programme at two locations includes medical rescue training courses, seminars and workshops. Professor Dr. Peter Sefrin, Science Director for Education and Training at RETTmobil, again gathered well-known speakers, who will inform “From Practice – For Practice”.
The international appeal of RETTmobil is largely determined by the theme of mobility, which can be experienced and learned in practical demonstrations and exercises. For this, the ouside area with offroad park and integrated test drive track provide superb conditions. Here, interested individuals can personally and impressively experience mobility with current vehicle and rescue technology. The Bundeswehr showcases a variety of new ambulances on their exhibition stand and at the offroad course.
The 14th RETTmobil is open throughout the three exhibition days from 9am until 5pm. About 3,000 free parking spaces are available for visitors. The moderate admission price of 10.00 Euros remains unchanged. The exhibition catalogue is gratis. A half-hourly shuttle bus service from Fulda Central Station to the exhibition site at Messe Galerie and back is offered to all guests who come to Fulda by train.
Constantin von Brandenstein-Zeppelin, President of Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V., assumes patronage of RETTmobil 2014, which will be officially opened on May 14 at 10am in the presence of many public personalities.
14 years of RETTmobil is also a remarkable event for the conceptional sponsor of the exhibition – the Community of Interests of the Manufacturers of Ambulance and Rescue Vehicles (IKR e.V.). Members are renowned vehicle conversion producers from Europe, German automakers like Daimler and VW, suppliers of the industry and supporters. Messe Fulda GmbH is responsible for planning, preparation and execution of the RETTmobil exhibition.