Rescue Drone Network: The Successful Drone Exercise at Monte Orsaro
Testing the Future of Drone-Assisted Search and Rescue with Pollicino Device Amidst Harsh Conditions
On Saturday, Feb. 24, the scheduled exercise of Rescue Drones Network Odv, Emilia Romagna Section, was held at Monte Orsaro, after all the necessary bureaucratic requirements had been met.
The purpose of the exercise, in addition to simulated search for a missing person and photogrammetry of an area of a local ski resort, was to test the Thumb device of the Company TopView Srl through the D-Flight portal aimed at the development of U-SPACE services.
In this sense, having opened the necessary PDO on the d-flight portal, the device, as soon as it was activated to check its operation, immediately transmitted the data by being visible on the screens installed by the intervening teams.
The weather conditions, however, immediately proved difficult, at times prohibitive, thus making it necessary to use means resistant to water and snow as well as sustained winds.
However, it was in the second part of the day that some missions were able to proceed, thanks to a noteworthy organizational readiness of those present.
Some teams moved in all-terrain vehicles with environmental guides on snowy trails and thus reach the planned take-off points.
The difficulties were many, but again it was the training of the intervening personnel that made the difference;
efficiency, preparedness and adaptability emerged immediately.
In conclusion, the data drawn from the use of the Thumbstick were extremely useful and convenient to visualize, especially in view of a potential sighting coupled with the speed of the drone’s coordinate display.
This is a key step in supporting the development of the U-ELCOME project as part of the U-SPACE services aimed at regulating the safe and efficient access of drones in the airspace. In this ENAV with d-flight is at the forefront of its implementation in Italy together, in this case, with RDN OdV.
Great collaboration between all the actors involved as they made this exercise possible starting from the Ente Parco Appennino Tosco Emiliano 2000, the Municipality of Villa Minozzo, the Planeta Snc Company.
And then the Associations that shared their professionalism and experience in the field such as AARI CB Lugo ODV, ASD Passi da Gigante, Association SOS METAL DETECTOR NATIONAL Lost and Found ending with the Managers of the Zamboni and Peschiera Refuge.
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