A course on new technologies for airway management
Augmented reality, software, and simulators for the comprehensive course on airway management
On April 21st in Rome, CFM is organizing the 3rd edition of the comprehensive course on airway management in extra and intra-hospital emergencies, in helicopter emergency medical services, for adult and pediatric patients.
Emergency airway management, both inside and outside the hospital, can pose a significant challenge. The difficult reconstruction of clinical history and anamnesis, time pressure, and often limited availability of resources are factors that increase operational difficulties in this ‘frontline‘ scenario, making it unique and extraordinary.
Each emergency and urgency operator, throughout their experience, retains in their memory circumstances and episodes where particularly difficult airway management required maximum effort and concentration, putting them to the test.
On April 21st, the theoretical-practical course on “Airway Management in Extra and Intra-hospital Emergencies” will be held in Rome, at the Congress Center Auditorium della Tecnica.
The course, organized by Dr. Fausto D’Agostino, sees the participation of scientific directors Dr. Costantino Buonopane and Dr. Pierfrancesco Fusco, and distinguished speakers who will present a comprehensive view of the problem. The faculty includes: Carmine Della Vella, Piero De Donno, Stefano Ianni, Giacomo Monaco, Maria Vittoria Pesce, Paolo Petrosino.
The course clearly addresses the main issues concerning airway management in the specific context of emergency and urgency, referring to updated international guidelines, describing the techniques and devices used, and analyzing the main operational scenarios.
The event is aimed at physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals working in emergency and urgency both outside and inside the hospital. During the training day, the new technologies and devices in airway management will be illustrated with the possibility of using them on state-of-the-art manikins and simulators.
The hope is that in addition to the knowledge, learners will retain the passion, determination, and enthusiasm without which this profession cannot be practiced: that of saving lives that would otherwise be lost.
For information and registration: https://centroformazionemedica.it
- Centro Formazione Medica press release