Apple Introduces New Feature to Combat Motion Sickness
Innovative Apple Technology to Enhance Comfort During Car Travel The Discomfort of Motion Sickness and Apple’s Technological Solution
Motion sickness is a major nuisance for many travelers during car journeys, as well as on ships or planes, as it entails unpleasant symptoms such as nausea and dizziness, making trips a real ordeal, especially when affecting children. Apple has found a potential solution to the problem by introducing a feature called “Vehicle Motion Cues.” This technology utilizes sensors like GPS on your iPhone and iPad to detect the vehicle’s movement and activate animated points on the screen. This feature will help alleviate discomfort without any unpleasant consequences.
The Role of the Senses in Motion Sickness
Motion sickness occurs when our brain fails to reconcile the different sensory signals it receives. In other words, when we drive and fixate on a point on the tablet, our inner ear and sense of balance indicate that we are in motion. Some sensory conflicts can even cause various symptoms like cold sweats and nausea. All this because our brain can interpret the situation as a form of “poisoning,” leading to nausea and vomiting. The animated points on the screen, rather than suppressing the signal, reduce sensory discomfort.
CarPlay Updates for a Better Driving Experience
In addition to “Vehicle Motion Cues“, Apple has made significant improvements to CarPlay, the tablet’s interface. For example, there is a color filter option for people with color blindness. The graphics have been made more intuitive to make the experience more enjoyable and clear. CarPlay version 2.0 also offers the opportunity to enlarge text. But with the innovation and growth of Android Auto, the coming years are very interesting.