Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
In 2011, the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung disease (GOLD) released a consensus report, global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of COPD. It recommended a major revision in the management strategy for COPD that was presented in the original 2011 document. Updated reports released in January 2013, 2014 and 2015 are based on scientific literature published since the completion of the 2011 document but maintain the same treatment paradigm. Assessment of COPD is based on the patient’s level of symptoms, future risk of exacerbations, the severity of the spirometric abnormality, and the identification of comorbidities. The 2015 update adds an appendix on Asthma COPD Overlap Syndrome, material prepared jointly by the GOLD and GINA Science Committees.
The GOLD report is presented as a “strategy document” for health care professionals to use as a tool to implement effective management programs based on available health care systems. The quadrant management strategy tool presented in this report is designed to be used in any clinical setting; it draws together a measure of the impact of the patient’s symptoms and an assessment of the patient’s risk of having a serious adverse health event in the future. Many studies have assessed the utility/relevance of this new tool. Evidence will continue to be evaluated by the GOLD committees and management strategy recommendations modified as required.
GOLD has been fortunate to have a network of international distinguished health professionals from multiple disciplines. Many of these experts have initiated investigations of the causes and prevalence of COPD in their countries, and have developed innovative approaches for the dissemination and implementation of the GOLD initiative will continue to work with National Leaders and other interested health care professionals to bring COPS to the attention of governments, public health officials, health care workers, and the general public to raise awareness of the burden of COPD and to develop programs for early detection, prevention and approaches to management.
Read the full report below and find more info here.
[document url=”http://www.goldcopd.org/uploads/users/files/GOLD_Report_2015_Apr2.pdf” width=”600″ height=”600″]