Keeping the Surfer Healthy and Safe. The EASD meeting in Ireland open to everyone
The European Association of Surfing Doctors (EASD), in association with Clean Coasts Ireland, Irish Water Safety, Shore Shots Irish Surf Film Festival, Headstrong, Magicseaweed (MSW), Presents the Surfer’s Academy Saturday,that will held in Sligo, ireland, 13 September 2014.
“Eddie Would Go…Would You?”
Can’t shake that niggling shoulder injury? Still sore after yet another pounding hold-down?
The European Association of Surfing Doctors (EASD) was founded in late 2011 as a not-for-profit organization to connect people through Surfing and Medicine. This year our 3rd Annual Conference “Taking Surfing Medicine to Extremes” happens in Sligo / Mullaghmore, Ireland from 9-12 + 13 September 2014. The Surfer’s Academy marks the beginning of the EASD’s Outreach Program – translating our vision of “Keeping the Surfer Healthy and Safe”. We’ve always been there in the line-up. So we figure it’s time to drop-in and give something back. The Surfer’s Academy, the first event of its kind anywhere, is a full-day open Health Symposium for Surfers on surfing safe and staying healthy into your twilight years.
Join leading Experts in: Eye, Ear, Mind, Nutrition, Shoulder/Major-Joints, Lifeguarding, Big Wave Rescue – you name it, we’ve got them – let them take you through what you need to know and how to get the best from your surfing.
The format of the day will comprise concise (max: 15mins), high-yield, nontechnical (No Jargon Please!) explanatory sessions, on topics relevant to the wellbeing of Surfers of all ages and ability, delivered by EASD Specialists. Surf Photography Exhibition, Irish Surf Shorts, and much more throughout the day. See you ‘Out-Back’ at The Glasshouse, Sligo.
Don’t be disappointed. Sign-Up Now!
For Tickets and Registration: www.surfingdoctorseurope.com
Find out how to look after yourself and keep in tip-top surf-fit shape! Surfing and Medicine have always been close; from John “Doc” Ball – pioneering surf photographer and Coast Guard Dentist – to the free-spirited, Dr. Dorian Paskowitz, still stoked at 93!
Conference Surfing Medicine 2014 from The EASD on Vimeo.
Music: Active Child – Hanging On – Visit http://activechildmusic.com
From 9-13 September 2014, experts from all over the world will gather at the Big Wave Spot Mullaghmore to open our Conference “Taking Surfing Medicine to Extremes”! This is largest meeting in Surfing Medicine, organized annually by the European Association of Surfing Doctors (EASD).
Topics: Expedition Medicine, Pre-Hospital Medicine, Sports Medicine, Resuscitation, Leadership, Dermatology, (Big Wave) Surfing Injuries, Surfers Head, Lifeguarding, Surfers’ Ear, UV related Eye disease, and much more!
Doctors from 13 countries have applied already, and expert speakers from Brasil, Denmark, Holland, Ireland, USA including Hawaii, and more will surprise you with the latest knowledge on a variety of topics interesting for broadly oriented medical professionals…!
Bring your friends to the conference, we have a Surfers’ Academy organized for non-medics on the 13th of September! Medical lectures by doctors for surfers!
Register now on our website!
Editing: Bas Bartholomeus
Camerawork : Peter Conroy & Bas Bartholomeus