Calling all gadget fans, Automoblox has just launched its Emergency Line range!
Automoblox, a well-known make of wooden toy cars worldwide, launches a new range dedicated to emergency vehicles.
The three models: Rescue, police and fire vehicle, are inspired by three of its most popular articles.
The T900 van becomes a go-anywhere rescue truck, the S9 sedan becomes a police patrol van and the X9-X sport utility model turns into a fire vehicle.
Delightful colour schemes and shapes make each automobile a real gem, perfect for collectors of types.
Note the attention to detail in the design of the wheels, above all in the fire vehicle model, but also in the choice of writings on the sides, which fit well with their rounded ultra-modern silhouette shapes.
Prices vary from $45 to $50.
For the moment Emergency Line is on sale in the United States, Australia and Hong Kong. From 5th August, as announced on the Automoblox Facebook page, where items can also be pre-ordered in future, it will also be available in Germany, France, Italy and Canada.