The role of volunteers in disasters: an irreplaceable pillar of disaster relief

Dedication and expertise serving the community at critical times

The indispensability of Volunteers

Volunteers play a crucial role in emergency and disaster situations. Taking on responsibilities without expectation of material reward, more than 13 million volunteers work with the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, demonstrating the growing importance of volunteerism in modern society.

Functions and Responsibilities

In any crisis -from natural disasters to emergency situations- volunteers provide essential support. This includes helping professional emergency services, participating in emergency plans and providing care to those affected, as well as performing emotional support tasks and forming mutual aid groups.

Coordination and Adaptability

Protocols for volunteers vary depending on the location and type of emergency. It is essential that volunteers follow the directives of professionals and that there is a manager to organize and distribute tasks.


La Mente Meravigliosa

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