USA - 12th Annual Meeting of the International Water Resource Economics Consortium (IWREC)
The 12th Annual Meeting of the International Water Resource Economics Consortium (IWREC) will be hosted by the World Bank in Washington, DC on September 11-13, 2016
The overall theme of the meeting will be “Water Security in a Changing World.”
Submissions of papers are now being accepted on the following topics:
– Addressing the food-energy-health environment and water nexus
– Assessing large- and small-scale irrigation investments
– Moving toward integrated urban and basin management
– Dealing with groundwater depletion
– Ensuring environmental flows
– Managing floods and droughts and their economy-wide impacts
– Improving transboundary water management
Within these topics, papers with a focus on economic growth and/or poverty linkages are encouraged. Papers on other topics that fall under the theme of the meeting will also be considered. The papers should be policy-oriented and analytically rigorous.
The Annual Meeting will begin with a reception in the evening of September 11, 2016, and span over two days with 6-7 sessions and 1-2 panel discussions on September 12-13, 2016.
Please submit papers to iwrec2016@worldbank.org. Papers should be no longer than 12 text pages (not including reference list, tables, and graphics). All text should be in 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1.5 line-spacing and 1” margins on all sides.
The Organizing Committee will consider only papers submitted by members of IWREC. To become an IWREC member, please send a request by email to john.janmaat@ubc.ca with “Joining IWREC” in the subject line. There is no IWREC membership fee.
The Organizing Committee is considering publication plans for special journal issues.
Further Information
For more information on IWREC, visit http://iwrec.ok.ubc.ca
For more information on the Annual Meeting, send an email to iwrec2016@worldbank.org or sscheierling@worldbank.org