WHO 2017 Sondalo training course for TB management and control: let's look at the schedule
The World Health Organization and Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, with the WHO Cooperating Centre for Tuberculosis and Lungs Diseases, Tradate, Italy introduce:
Implementing the WHO End TB strategy and the new vision of TB elimination:
skills for managers and consultants
April 30 – May 13, 2017
September 24 – October 7, 2017
The overall goal of the training course is to further develop the necessary skills to plan, implement and evaluate a TB control programme, based on the new WHO End TB Strategy, with a special focus towards the 2016-2035 targets and goals’ and the ambitious vision of TB Elimination.
The course uses innovative approaches, being centred around Fictitia (a fictitious country in which all consultancy activities take place); it is interactive and exercise based, being a mixture of presentations, exercises, workshops, site visits and role plays based on data from Fictitia.
The course is composed of three parts:
Part 1: Introduction – This part includes presentation of aim and goals, and all the preliminary aspects related to the preparation of a mission to Countries and to the Report to the funding Agency. A new important unit on TB Elimination has been added as well as a new unit on M&E evaluation of treatment
outcomes and identification of drivers (enhancing the R&R unit).
Part 2: Implementation of the WHO End TB control and elimination strategy (End TB) – This part revises in a practical and interactive manner how to implement the three Pillars of the new WHO post-2015 TB Strategy (I: Integrated patient-centred care; II: Bold Policies and supportive systems; III: Intensified research and Innovation). After showing the evolution of the WHO Strategy (from the DOTS Strategy and through the Stop TB Strategy to reach the post-2015 one) the course guides the participant to understand, promote and implement the three pillars of the new WHO Global TB Strategy.
Moving from the core technical interventions (early diagnosis- including universal drug susceptibility testing, systematic screening of contacts and high risk groups; treatment of all people- including those affected by drug-resistant TB ad co-infected by HIV, and those with comorbidities and prevention interventions), the course goes deeply into policies and supportive systems (political commitment and adequate resources; engagement of communities, civil society organizations and public and private providers; universal health coverage and policy frameworks for case-notifications, vital registration, drug quality, rational use of drugs and diagnostics and infection control; social protection and poverty alleviation) to finally discuss the process supporting discovery, development and rapid uptake of new diagnostics and drugs as well as interventions and strategies.
Part 3: Planning and M&E of the TB Control and Elimination Strategy in Fictitia – This part will be focused on Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation. Participants will be guided to: 1) use the WHO Planning toolkit for TB control, developed to help Implementing the WHO End TB strategy and the new vision of TB elimination: skills for managers and consultants countries to design core plan, budget plan, M&E plan, operational plan and technical assistance plan. 2) interact with the new GF funding model and concept note. It will also include evaluation of the Reports on the mission to Fictitia (participants will be asked to produce on site) and of the plans on MDR-/XDR-TB, TB/HIV collaborative activities, PPM and infection control as well as the evaluation of the whole training course. This course is designed for individuals responsible for planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating TB and MDR-TB control activities in the MDR-/XDR-TB era, within the framework of the implementation of the new WHO Strategy, at national and sub-national level. They might be managers of TB/MDR-TB and HIV programmes at the national or sub-national level or staff otherwise involved in control programmes at national or sub-national level (Ministry of Health staff, staff of international agencies involved in TB/MDR-TB/HIV control, leading national experts and opinion-leaders involved in TB/MDR-TB/HIV prevention, diagnosis and care)
This training course has been globally recognized and recommended as one of the best and complete training package available on TB and TB/HIV management and control, giving a wide perspective on many different, updated hot topics (being also officially recognized as a pre-requisite to perform international consultancies in TB and TB/HIV).
The course, considered to have an excellent value for money, allows participants to share their experience with a global perspective, opening also perspective for international consultancy.
Training Venue: Hotel Cepina, Cepina (SO), North Italy (160 km from Milan)
Organizers: The WHO Collaborating Centre for Tuberculosis and Lung Disease,S. Maugeri Foundation, Tradate ,Italy in collaboration with:1) the Global Tuberculosis Programme (GTB), WHO Geneva, Switzerland; 2) the WHO Collaborating.Centres (Milan and Brescia, Italy) and other International Partners involved in TB, M/XDR-TB & TB/HIV management and control.
Administrative Secretariat: Public Health Consulting Group, Lugano, Switzerland
Language: English
Application deadlines: March 10, 2017 (for May course) July 31, 2017 (for September course)
Payment deadlines: March 30, 2016 (for May course) August 20, 2016 (for September course)
[document url=”https://www.emergency-live.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Course-Agenda-Sondalo-courses-2017.pdf” width=”600″ height=”600″]
For further details, queries and application forms and procedures, please visit the official webpage.