RETTmobil 2015 LIVE TWEET and Photogallery
The International Exhibition for Rescue and Mobility in Fulda is one of the most important EMS appointment of the year.
Dramatic actuality, global significance and impressive tradition come together at the 15th RETTmobil 2015, the “European Leading Exhibition for Rescue and Mobility” from Wednesday, May 6th, until Friday, May 8th, in Fulda. On the small anniversary, the air crash disaster in the Alps, the earthquake in Nepal, the refugee drama in the Mediterranean and environmental hazards underscore the central importance of the subject of rescue for RETTmobil.
Again this year, the concept of this unique exhibition continues the success story: About 470 companies from 20 countries and several continents will present themselves to the professional audience. Covering a total area of 70,000 square metres are available 19 halls and a large open-air site, including a perfected off-road area. Fire departments and, especially this year, the Agency for Technical Relief (THW) are contributing to the success. The aid organisation operating globally for more than 60 years with more than 80,000 volunteers focuses on the topic of floods.
Activities and Special Shows
On the off-road, different rescue disciplines are presented with vehicles from leading manufacturers. More extensive and attractive than ever before are the special shows and activities on the 3,000 square metre area. Emergency rescue-medical services training courses, seminars and workshops with renowned speakers are an integral part of the excellent programme at two locations.
Look Back in Pride
A brief look back into the history of RETTmobil on the occasion of the small anniversary with Petra Dehler-Udolph and Dieter Udolph, directors of Messe Fulda GmbH, from the outset responsible for planning, preparation and execution of the global trade show. The organisers can look back with pride on a project that has evolved from a small national exhibition into an internationally acclaimed event. The first RETTmobil in 2001 saw around 3,500 visitors and 63 exhibitors. Last year, at the 14th RETTmobil, record numbers of 25,250 visitors and 482 exhibitors were counted. The addition of all trade shows yields an impressive result: More than 238,000 visitors gathered information from 4,151 exhibitors. Dieter Udolph points to the importance of RETTmobil for the Baroque city of Fulda and the broader region. Trade, tourism and hospitality profit from one of the biggest annual events.
High Level of Satisfaction
For Petra Dehler-Udolph the very positive reactions of the exhibitors are an important indicator and guarantee for success. In a scientific survey last year 88 percent of interviewees assessed the exhibition a good to very good rating. The success of RETTmobil is based on three pillars: Trade Show, Training and Mobility. When asked about the future of Rettmobil in Fulda, the Udolphs emphasised the continuation until at least 2020. The 16th RETTmobil 2016 from 11th to 13th of May will again return to its traditional date in the second week of May.
THW President is Patron
Albrecht Broemme, President of Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk (Federal Agency for Technical Relief) assumes patronage. The 15th RETTmobil is opened on wednesday at 10AM in the presence of many public figures. The Messe Fulda GmbH as organiser expects 25,000 trade visitors.
More than 3,000 Parking Spaces
The 15th RETTmobil is open on all three days: 9AM–5PM. For the first time, more than 3,000 free parking spaces are available to visitors. Since 2001 the moderate admission price of 10 Euros has remained unchanged. A half-hourly, free bus transfer from Fulda Station to the exhibition site and back is offered to all who come by train.
15 years of RETTmobil is an outstanding event to the conceptual sponsor, the Community of Interests of the Manufacturers of Ambulances and Emergency Vehicles (IKR e.V.). Members include renowned conversion producers from Europe, German automakers like Daimler and VW, as well as suppliers to the industry and supporters.