FormAnpas 2023: the rebirth of public assistance after the pandemic

Success for FormAnpas at Dallara Academy Headquarters: The “Rebirth” Edition After Pandemic

On Saturday, October 21, Anpas Emilia-Romagna, the association that brings together 109 regional public assistance agencies, held its annual FormAnpas event at the extraordinary Dallara Automobili headquarters in Varano de’ Melegari, Parma. This edition was particularly significant, marking the revival of activities after a period of interruption due to the pandemic. The event provided an opportunity to discuss the current state of training in public assistance, the updating of training modules for volunteers, and the introduction of the new common database for associations.

anpas_dallara-1016320During the day-long event, crucial topics such as public access defibrillation (PAD) projects and initiatives aimed at young people were examined. The president of Anpas Emilia-Romagna, Iacopo Fiorentini, stressed the importance of addressing the issues of training and constant updating of volunteers, along with the technologies needed to support local communities. This edition of FormAnpas focused on the theme of sustainability, emphasizing the importance of sustainable services, the environment and a robust health care system, in which Anpas plays an increasingly crucial role.

The event was made even more special by the participation of Giampaolo Dallara, founder of the Academy, who praised volunteers’ commitment to serving others. His words inspired and moved those in attendance, highlighting the importance of serving the community and the emotion that comes from such commitment.

Anpas Emilia-Romagna Vice President Federico Panfili stressed the importance of the event as a key moment to illustrate the association’s future vision. He acknowledged the intense activity carried out in the past and indicated areas for improvement to ensure the best working conditions for volunteers. Antonio Pastori, coordinator of the 118 network of the Emilia-Romagna Region, praised the enthusiasm and commitment of the volunteers and trainers in improving rescue actions and the entire range of services offered by the Public Assistances.

The event received unanimous appreciation from participants, not only for the unique location, but especially for the informative content and ideas shared. It represented a significant step toward a future in which continuing education, sustainability, and community service will remain at the heart of what public assistance agencies do. This event demonstrated that even after difficult times, the dedication and passion of volunteers can lead to a positive rebirth, shaping a better future for all.


ANPAS Emilia Romagna

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