The most pressing topics in EMS field at Medical World Americas
A breakdown in communication or lack of effective strategies is often the reason a disaster turns into a catastrophe. Solid collaboration between each unit of the disaster preparedness community is the difference between weathering the storm successfully or finding one’s community in a worldwide catastrophe. Each link in the chain of disaster preparedness is critical.
MEDICAL WORLD AMERICAS, the all-new conference and expo in Houston will bring together leading minds of healthcare and medicine today to focus on the most pressing topics in our field. Special events and a targeted track have been dedicated to disaster and emergency preparedness to present disaster and emergency professionals with the information they need to prepare their communities, facilities and personnel to respond effectively to each crisis.
Highlights of the event include:
- A featured Plenary Session, “When Disaster Strikes”, with Joseph J. Leonard, Jr., M.E.P, Commander, U.S. Coast Guard, discussing tactics and strategies for success in times of disaster based on his experiences with Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, Tropical Storm Allison, mass oil spills and more.
- A Panel Discussion, “Breakthrough Disaster Strategies”, featuring Houston public officials and emergency response professionals discussing their emergency preparedness plans and how technology can aid with disaster response effectiveness.
- A targeted track with five discussion sessions, including classification of disasters, triage and surge, a preparedness checklist, working with government agencies, tactics in working together, managing mental health issues and more.
Bringing these critical links together on stage across international forums to share their wins—and their mistakes—will improve the preparedness strategies to more successfully handle future disasters.
Conference attendees will also have access to the comprehensive exposition, showcasing the latest technologies and products in the medical field. Interested attendees can register at MedicalWorldAmericas.com.