SARS-CoV-2, a warning from Ospedale Maggiore of Parma: "We must protect ourselves. For our own safety and that of our loved ones "
Elderly people, especially if suffering from chronic diseases and not completely autonomous in carrying out the activities of daily life, are particularly vulnerable to infection of the new SARS-CoV-2.
In fact, several studies indicate that the forms most often associated with mortality because of SARS-CoV-2 occur especially in the elderly with chronic diseases. It is therefore necessary that some simple rules of behaviour are followed.
Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, covid-19: different names, same indications to follow
- Stay as much as possible at home and, if going out for needs which must not be postponed, avoid gatherings or close contacts with other people. Physical activity is healthy in the elderly and should not be avoided for yourself; what needs to be avoided in close contact with other people since coronavirus is transmitted by breath. All social activities (frequency of public places, leisure centres, sports activities) should, therefore, be limited.
- Wash your hands frequently, being careful to rub the back and creases between your fingers well with soap. Hand washing is essential; if it cannot be carried out frequently, a hydroalcoholic solution can also be used.
- Avoid contact with relatives who have respiratory symptoms (cough, rhinitis, difficulty breathing) or even a mild fever. If these contacts cannot be avoided, it is necessary that a distance of at least 1-2 meters is maintained from people with symptoms, that they wear a surgical mask and that the rooms are well ventilated after the visits, which must be as short as possible. In these cases, it is also useful to frequently clean the surfaces with alcohol or chlorine-based detergents.
- Those who already suffer from respiratory diseases must pay attention to any possible variation of the symptoms and, if necessary, notify their general practitioner or contact the numbers made available by the authorities.
The ASL of Parma (Provincial Health Department) numbers (+0039 0521 396436), regional toll-free number (800 033 033) and only in case of emergency 118. In these cases it is useful to keep away from cohabitants, wear a mask and frequently ventilate the rooms, following the advice of the health personnel.
- If you feel unwell, it is helpful to measure your body temperature and notify your general practitioner first if you have any changes.
Avoid going to the emergency room on your own initiative, if not for serious symptoms (HERE WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO). The activity of the emergency room and hospitals is now dedicated to dealing with a health emergency: all non-urgent visits can divert healthcare resources from the most serious cases. Do not go to general practitioners’ offices or to health facilities unless after a first telephone contact with the general practitioner. Unfortunately, the waiting rooms of the surgeries and health facilities, in general, are places where the infection can easily spread.
- Contribute to spreading these simple rules of behaviour among one’s family and acquaintances.
In this moment of emergency, we must all contribute to spreading the prevention rules as much as possible.
SOURCE: press release of the Ospedale Maggiore of Parma