7 June, World Orthoptic Day

World Orthoptic Day, 7 June is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the profession of Orthoptics and the importance of eye rehabilitation

But what is Orthoptic?

It is the branch of ophthalmology that deals with the prevention and assessment of certain vision problems, such as amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus, diplopia (double vision), and their rehabilitation.

World Orthoptic Day: Who is involved in orthoptics?

Orthoptists are the experts in diagnosing and treating defects in eye movement and problems with how the eyes work together, called binocular vision.

These can be caused by issues with the muscles around the eyes or defects in the nerves enabling the brain to communicate with the eyes.

What does he do exactly?

Evaluates from birth the integrity and development of the visual system together with the eye doctor

Prevents, assesses and rehabilitates

– disorders of binocular vision (vision of both eyes together) in both adults and children

– severe visual impairments leading to low vision (very low vision) in both adults and children

– asthenopia (or visual fatigue syndrome) for people who spend long hours at the computer or on digital devices

– Collaborates in the health surveillance required for workers by assessing visual function in the occupational setting and with the team of neurologists, endocrinologists, diabetologists, maxillofacial surgeons and occupational medicine

-Performs instrumental examinations in addition to the eye examination (visual field, Lancaster test, colour sensitivity and contrast tests, etc.).

-And participates in research studies

Read Also:

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Policlinico di Milano

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