Stye, an overview

The sty is a benign inflammation of the sebaceous glands present in the eyelashes, which manifests itself as a bubble similar to a pimple or a rounded acne pimple with a rather compact consistency; it usually appears on the outer wall of…

What is onychomycosis?

Chances are that at least once in your life you have suffered from onychomycosis, an infection that affects the nails of the feet and hands, and which affects a very large segment of the population

Eye diseases: what is maculopathy?

The term maculopathy identifies a whole series of eye diseases that can affect the macula: the macula is a part of the eye, located in the center of the retina, responsible for clear and detailed vision It is an extremely delicate area…

Bone tumors: what are they?

Let's talk about bone tumors. Like all the tissues of our body, even the bones, essential for the support of the body, the functioning of the muscles and the protection of the vital organs, are formed by cells characterized by a normal life…

Bladder cancer: what is it?

Bladder cancer is a malignant transformation of the cells - mainly those called transitional cells - which cover the inner walls of the bladder, the organ responsible for collecting and expelling urine once it has been filtered by the…

What are congenital heart diseases

Congenital heart disease: with the term congenital, we indicate something already existing at birth By congenital heart disease, we are therefore referring to an alteration in cardiac structure or function that is present at birth and…

Aortic valvulopathy: what is it?

With " Aortic valvulopathy " we mean a condition in which the aortic valve - the structure that regulates the one-way flow of blood from the left ventricle of the heart to the aorta - is no longer able to perform its function

What is a neurological bladder?

Neurological bladder is a bladder disorder caused by neurological damage. The patient suffering from it sees the lower urinary tract impaired, and experiences difficulty urinating: the bladder filling and emptying mechanism does not…

Defibrillator, a bit of history

An early prototype defibrillator was built by the American surgeon Claude S. Beck at the University of Cleveland in 1974; it saved the life of a 14-year-old boy who suffered ventricular fibrillation during surgery

Electrocardiogram, an overview

The electrocardiogram, or ECG, is an instrumental diagnostic test that uses an electrocardiograph to record and graphically reproduce the heart's electrical activity through a series of electrodes

Burns, a general overview

Let's talk about burns: a burn is a more or less extensive injury to the skin, which can affect only the superficial layer called the epidermis or also the deeper layers of the dermis