

Dispatcher personnel should enhance the capability to early identify a cardiac arrest upon the witness calls and to assist and instruct the bystander in the provision of CPR manoeuvres, through the so-called “telephone-assisted CPR (T-CPR)”.调度人员应通过所谓的“电话辅助心肺复苏(T-CPR)”,增强在证人呼叫后及早发现心脏骤停的能力,并协助和指导旁观者进行心肺复苏术。 Indeed, T-CPR has been shown to significantly increase the rate of bystander CPR together with the outcome of cardiac arrest.确实,已证明T-CPR可显着提高旁观者CPR率以及心脏骤停的结果。

However, little was known about the T-CPR diffusion in Italy.但是,对于意大利的T-CPR扩散知之甚少。 Thus, Italian Resuscitation Council (IRC) conducted a nationwide survey in order to evaluate the current implementation of the dispatcher-assisted T-CPR throughout the Italian 112-Emergency Medical Systems (EMS).因此,意大利复苏委员会(IRC)进行了全国范围的调查,以评估整个意大利15紧急医疗系统(EMS)中由调度员协助的T-CPR的当前实施情况。 All the EMS in Italy registered on Ministry of Health Website were directly contacted and interviewed by telephone, between 15 Sept and 2016 Oct XNUMX.在XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日至XNUMX月XNUMX日期间,通过电话直接联系并采访了意大利卫生部网站上注册的所有EMS。

调查问卷涵盖以下主题:提供 T-CPR 说明和仅胸外按压 (CCO) 或 CC 加通气指令; 标准化程序的存在; 和指导 AED 本土化。 最后,请求为旁观者呼叫者激活调度员协助的年份。


T-CPR协助包括54%的EMS中的CCO指导和43%的电话中AED本地化的指导。 In the instance of the presence of an AED, 61% of EMS guided bystanders through its use.如果存在AED,则有2006%的EMS会指导旁观者使用它。 The maximal implementation of the dispatched-assisted CPR in Italy occurred between 2010 and XNUMX.意大利在XNUMX年至XNUMX年间最大程度地实施了派遣式辅助心肺复苏术。

这项调查提供了意大利EMS派遣组织的真实情况,以及生存和社区参与复苏行动的链条第一环节的力量(更多详细信息,请访问www.ircouncil.it)。 IRC相信,本调查提供的信息可能有助于与其他国家的T-CPR实施进行比较。

利益冲突声明 - Samantha Di Marco,Federico Semeraro,Andrea Scapigliati,Adriana Boccuzzi,Marco De Luca,Brigida Panzarino,Walter Cataldi,Silvia Scelsi和Giuseppe是意大利复苏委员会执行委员会成员。


