

“他們帶來流血,他們殺死。 Instead of freedom, they bring violence and they imprison all those who oppose them.他們帶來自由,而不是自由,並將所有反對他們的人囚禁起來。 The only thing they know is violence.”他們唯一知道的是暴力。” It is the hard attack launched by Raymond Tapiwa Mupandasekwa, Bishop of Chinhoyi, to the government of Zimbabwe, strongly criticized in the country for the violent repression of protests and crisis management by COVID-19.這是欽霍伊主教雷蒙德·塔皮瓦·穆潘達塞卡瓦(Raymond Tapiwa Mupandasekwa)向津巴布韋政府發動的猛烈攻擊。津巴布韋政府強烈譴責津巴布韋對COVID-XNUMX的抗議活動和危機處理進行了鎮壓。


主教特別譴責總統埃默森·曼南格格瓦(Emmerson Mnangagwa)的政府在XNUMX月的逮捕行動,以及長期譴責被指控密謀違反政府憲法的政治活動家和記者的保釋自由。

Bishop Mupandasekwa then criticized the recent decree of Vice President Chiwenga to enrol recent graduate medics in the army.穆潘達塞克瓦主教隨後批評了奇文加副總統最近的法令,要求將最近的研究生醫務人員納入軍隊。 Vice President and new Health Minister Constantino Chiwenga, a former army general, decreed that fresh graduate doctors must be recruited as military medics in the army, otherwise they will not be able to work in state hospitals.副總統兼新任衛生部長康斯坦丁諾·奇文加(Constantin Chiwenga)曾任陸軍將領,下令規定必須招募新鮮的研究生醫生作為軍隊的軍醫,否則他們將無法在國立醫院工作。

Some 230 medical students passed their final exams and had to be sent to public hospitals as Junior Resident Medical Officers (JRMO) for three years of on-the-job training before they could open clinics.大約XNUMX名醫科學生通過了期末考試,必須被送入公立醫院作為初級駐地醫務人員(JRMO),接受為期三年的在職培訓,然後才能開設診所。 This is a measure that aims, according to the unions, to prevent strikes by medical personnel at a time that is extremely critical for public health and the government, which is accused of failing to manage the pandemic emergency.據工會稱,這是一項措施,旨在防止醫務人員在對公共衛生和政府至關重要的時候罷工,而政府被指控未能管理大流行性緊急情況。


Bishop Mupandasekwa said that the government is causing “great anguish” to doctors in the army with this “unconstitutional proposal.主教穆潘達塞克瓦(Mupandasekwa)說,政府通過這項“違反憲法的提議”給軍隊中的醫生們帶來了“極大的痛苦”。 The Freedom Party has refused to give freedom of choice to young doctors,” he said, adding that the country may soon find itself without more doctors as a result of this decree.自由黨拒絕給予年輕醫生選擇的自由,”他說,並補充說,由於這項法令,該國可能很快就會發現自己沒有更多的醫生。 Public hospitals are struggling with a shortage of medicines and are relying on the support of most Western donors.公立醫院在藥品短缺方面苦苦掙扎,並依靠大多數西方捐助者的支持。 Senior government officials, including Chiwenga, often seek medical assistance abroad.包括奇文加在內的政府高級官員經常在國外尋求醫療援助。

Zimbabwe's 2,000 young doctors have gone on strike twice in the last 12 months, reporting wages of up to Z$9,450 ($115) per month.津巴布韋的XNUMX名年輕醫生在過去XNUMX個月中兩次罷工,每月工資高達XNUMX津巴布韋元(合XNUMX美元)。 Many are ready to leave after finding better-paid找到更高薪水後,許多人準備離開 工作 在該地區和國外。
The hard intervention of the Bishop of Chinhoyi follows the publication on August 14 by the Episcopal Conference of Zimbabwe of the pastoral letter, “The march is not over” (see Fides 17/8/20200).津巴布韋主教在津巴布韋主教的辛勤干預下,於XNUMX月XNUMX日在津巴布韋主教會議上發表了牧師信“行軍尚未結束”(見《信義》 XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)。 In their letter, the Bishops called on the government to assume its responsibilities in the face of the dramatic economic and health crisis aggravated by the coronavirus and criticized the brutal repression of protest demonstrations.主教在信中呼籲政府應對因冠狀病毒而加劇的嚴重經濟和健康危機,並譴責對示威遊行示威的殘酷鎮壓,政府應承擔起責任。
