Civil Protection, also the N.I.P. (Nuovo Intergruppo Parma) at Emergency Expo: enjoy their stand
Civil Protection is a great guest of Emergency Expo, the online fair dedicated to Emergency and Relief: many Prociv sections will have their stan. Today we present the N.I.P. (New Intergroup Parma) Civil Protection Volunteers
“Voluntarily and selflessly working for prevention and rescue both in individual cases and in public disasters.
This is what should inspire us every day”, say the volunteers.
N.I.P. civil protection volunteers at Emergency Expo:
“The N.I.P. – they tell – is one of the most numerous historical civil defence groups in Parma.
The volunteers are organised and available to be used in different types of intervention.
The classes and the drills, as well as the emergency interventions, allow the volunteer to learn the right techniques, knowledge for a correct operate.
N.I.P. volunteers operate mainly – but not exclusively – in emergency radio communication, forest fire prevention and control, hydrogeological risk, prevention and psycho-social support to volunteers and the population in disasters, land reconnaissance with off-road vehicles, emergency cooking, logistics and coordination”.
At Emergency Expo, Civil Protection groups will be able to keep in touch with other volunteers and visit the stands of those companies that are so essential in supplying top quality materials and equipment.