Urban Risk Reduction and Resilience: more efficency against disaster
The UNISDR (United Nation Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) presents the third of five Programmes aimed to improve coherence, focus, depth and efficiency in delivering the results of UNISDR Strategic Framework: Towards 2025.
This Programme will address one of the key underlying drivers of disaster risk: poor urban governance. By 2050, 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas. As cities continue to grow, exposure of lives, livelihoods and economic, social and environmental assets is set to increase exponentially. The local level is the frontline of addressing disaster risk and is where significant gains can be made.
The Campaign is UNISDR’s main tool for advocating disaster resilience at the local level. It supports sustainable urbanisation by: promoting actions that build resilience; increasing local understanding of disaster risk; and encouraging disaster risk reduction and climate change to be a policy priority. The Campaign comprises 1,640 participating cities and has established a global network of experts and advocates. In 2014-2015, UNISDR will continue to promote political commitment to urban resilience by encouraging municipalities to sign up to the Campaign and implement its Ten Essentials. UNISDR will train decision-makers from Campaign cities and develop an online urban resilience market place, hosted by PreventionWeb,linking cities, peer experts and partners.