COVID-19, in Delhi peak of contagion: the second wave in India facilitated by cold and pollution

The second COVID-19 wave is also breaking down in India, where the capital Delhi is fighting against a peak of contagions: in the last 24 hours 8,500 new contagions, which bring the total to 450,000, and 85 deaths (over 7,000 total).

COVID-19, hospitals in Delhi under pressure

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has written to the federal government, calling for a strengthening of beds in public hospitals with a view to further escalation.

Hospitals are under pressure. The increase is facilitated by decreasing temperatures and high levels of smog in Indian virologists.

A real challenge, that of temperatures: a good number of vaccines require temperatures close to those of winter in Antarctica (-70 °C), while in India temperatures can reach 50 °C.

“This is a new and enormous challenge for many nations” underlines Tony Peters, from the University of Birmingham, and it will be also and above all for the nations of the hottest and most humid area of the planet, like India.

India is working on coronavirus vaccines on its own, with national pharmaceutical companies quite close to the goal.

This bodes well for a rapid solution to the covid-19 epidemic in the Indian subcontinent.

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