Covid-19, South Africa and India to the World Trade Organization (WTO): no patents on vaccine

WTO, we discuss the vaccine for the coronavirus. Covid-19, South Africa and India have asked, surprisingly, and taking an unprecedented step, the World Trade Organization (WTO) that each country opposes the deposition of patents and other intellectual property related to the coronavirus vaccine.

And along with the vaccine, of course, drugs, diagnostic tests, and related products.

The WTO reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine proposal

The WTO has taken note of the request in these hours, and the question is being raised.

The first document issued is essentially “lukewarm”, which takes into account the need to facilitate trade between nations.

Certainly, the issue will be discussed again, being de facto very similar to what has decided a couple of decades ago for (and by) less rich countries than generic drugs for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients, which have therefore been marketed at affordable prices.

The decision of South Africa and India is part of an analysis conducted by Doctors Without Borders (MSF), according to which a decision in that direction could drastically limit the spread of COVID-19 in poorer countries.

MSF, which has documented the devastating impact of patents in hindering the introduction of affordable vaccines in low-income countries, as happened for vaccines against pneumonia or human papillomavirus, called on all governments to support the request to the WCO.

The WTO document on the patent of the COVID-19 vaccine:


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