New videogame/simulator to become rescue helicopter pilot
Become a helicopter pilot working in challenging rescue operations, in any latitude and in any weather condition, while sitting comfortably in your armchair. Developed by the Polish software house PlayWay, Helicopter Simulator Search and Rescue puts the gamer in the shoes of a rescue helicopter pilot, struggling with all types of emergencies, in an area of over 200 sq.km waiting to be explored.
From the cockpit of these flying machines there are over 40 missions to face, with a range of 8 different models, each with its own technical characteristics and a special flying style. From large Russian cargo helicopters to the agile copters used in mountainous Alpine areas, the gamers have to deal with wild fires, reach isolated and inhospitable worlds and sea disasters. The aim of the game is to rescue the shipwrecked and injured, while escaping the destructive power of natural calamities and keeping one’s calm in extreme manoeuvres. Despite the realistic approach of the missions, Helicopter Simulator is also intended for less expert gamers, with its pretty straightforward control setup.