印度的救护车服务:一对夫妇为Pune EMS提供救护车


Pune, India – Deepa and Deepak Parab train women bouncers at Ranragini Self Defence Academy, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Swargate, which is currently closed due to the pandemic.印度浦那– Deepa和Deepak Parab在Swargate Jawaharlal Nehru体育场的Ranragini自我防御学院训练女蹦蹦跳伞,该运动因大流行而关闭。 As they understood that the city needed an他们了解到这座城市需要 救护车.


Deepa在印度时报报道:“我们在19月的第二周开始了救护车服务。 We initiated it after one of my students lost her father due to Covid-3,500 and as the ambulance owner was asking them to pay Rs 50 for a ferry, they couldn't afford it.在我的一名学生因Covid-XNUMX丧生父亲后,我们发起了这项救护车。由于救护车的主人要求他们支付XNUMX卢比的渡轮费用,他们负担不起。 Whenever we get a call for ambulance services anywhere in the city we rush to help.每当我们在城市中的任何地方接到需要救护车服务的电话时,我们都急于提供帮助。 Two doctors are my friends and they help me take the patients to the hospital.两位医生是我的朋友,他们帮助我将患者送往医院。 Till now, we have ferried over XNUMX patients to the hospital of which two were pregnant women and two were senior citizens.”到目前为止,我们已经将XNUMX多名患者运送到医院,其中两名是孕妇,两名是老年人。”

Swargate居民Rafiq Shaikh说:“我的父亲在禁运期内身体不适,患有心脏病。 We wanted to take him to the hospital, but the ambulance service was not available.我们想带他去医院,但是救护车服务不可用。 My friend gave me the number of Parab and because of them, we could take my father to the hospital on time.”我的朋友给了我Parab号码,因此,我们可以准时带我父亲去医院。”



“除了出售消毒剂外,我们还提供房屋消毒服务。 My husband or I visit homes wearing PPE kits and charge only Rs 1,000.我或我的丈夫穿着PPE套件参观房屋,仅收取1,000卢比。 Of Rs 500 that we get, Rs XNUMX is for the social cause,” said Deepa.在我们获得的XNUMX卢比中,有XNUMX卢比是为社会服务。” Deepa说。 Deepak himself drives the ambulance as it saves money spent on drivers, she says.她说,迪帕克本人亲自驾驶救护车,因为这可以节省花在司机身上的钱。


