



正如非洲里维斯塔(Africa Rivista)报道的那样,这些天来的证词是 新人道主义者和汤森路透基金会。 Between 2018 and 2020, women from Beni denounce having been forced to have sex in exchange for work, or to lose their在XNUMX年至XNUMX年之间,贝尼的妇女谴责被迫做爱以换取工作或失去性 工作 因为他们不接受这些运营商的建议。

The practice seems to have been widespread and would have been confirmed by local assistants.这种做法似乎已经很普遍了,并且会得到当地助手的确认。 In many cases, the victims were employed alongside international staff, for example as cooks, or as maids.在许多情况下,受害者是与国际工作人员并肩工作的,例如作为厨师或女佣。 One of the victims was a former Ebola patient seeking psychological support.其中一名受害者是一名前埃博拉病人,寻求心理支持。 Other women report that they were approached for relationships in exchange for money as if they were prostitutes.其他妇女报告说,她们被视为与妓女有关系,以换取金钱。

After being made aware of the accusations, the Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, requested the opening of an investigation.在得知指控之后,联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)要求展开调查。 The Oms, for its part, made it known that an internal investigation was underway and encouraged the women to testify.对于Oms而言,它知道正在进行内部调查,并鼓励妇女作证。 “We cannot tolerate this attitude on the part of our staff, our collaborators, or our partners,” said spokeswoman Fadela Chaib.发言人Fadela Chaib表示:“我们不能容忍员工,合作者或合作伙伴的这种态度。”

