A paradise for fans of vintage ambulances. A picture gallery to delight
It has to be said that Crich is an extraordinary place, ideal for fans of any type of vehicle. Also nicknamed Tramway Village as it is home to the museum of the same name dedicated to trams, this small English town has been hosting displays of all types of
motorised vehicle for years.
On 2nd August it was the turn of vintage ambulances. The event was documented by
John, a professional driver (who chooses not to reveal his surname) and keen amateur photographer. Thanks to him, we can admire the emergency vehicles that took part in the rally called, rather appropriately, Crich 999 Vehicles Day.
Rather than telling you about it, we advise you to go and see the photographs for yourself. If you’re planning to go on holiday to the UK this year, don’t forget that in Crich on 4th August there will be an interesting display dedicated to emergency vehicles, police vehicles, fire engines and many more.