Prehospital airway management, the best articles of 2014

MEDEST118 REVIEW – RSI is the gold standard when we talk about intubating a spontaneously breathing patient but DSI is becoming a classic. And is recommended by Scott Weingart and Seth Trueger, not properly two “new kids on the block”

Caution! You are about to perform an invasive maneuver on a previously spontaneously breathing patient. So remember to carefully avoid desaturation and hyper-inflation!
This disclaimer should be written on the handle of every laryngoscope to remember two of the most frequent fault to avoid when managing the airways.

Apnoea and pre-oxygenation
Avoiding Circulatory complications during Intubation
Regarding Hemodynamic Responses During Orotracheal Intubation: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Always rewarded as a nightmare for the emergency professional, surgical airway is most of the time a real no through road for the patient. So here is a complete guide on how to approach in the best way such a difficult skill.

Surgical Management Of the Failed Airway: A Guide To Percutaneous Cricothyrotomy

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