Senegalese Red Cross searches for ambulances, the appeal of the Comite Departemental de Pikine

Senegalese Red Cross is looking for ambulances for the Comite Departemental de Pikine, led by the Regional Committee of Dakar. The official request arrived at our email address from the leader of the programme “SANTÈ POUR TOUS” yesterday.

“SANTÈ POUR TOUS” Is the programme that the Senegalese Red Cross is developing all over the country. The aim is, of course, the improvement of health for any citizen in Senegal. In order to do so, Baye Thierno Ndao, the leader of this project, sent an official request of help to Emergency Live.


Implementing health in Senegal, the SOS launched by the Red Cross

The President of the “Comite Departemental de Pikine”, Ibrahima Hann wrote in an official letter that Senegal needs used ambulances, prevalently from Italy, to be imported in Africa in order to provide adequate prehospital care to little villages of the region of Dakar.

Municipalities in Senegal are suffering the lack of adequate emergency vehicles in order to reach hospitals, which are mostly not so near. The Red Cross Comite Regional de Pikine is requesting to benefit from reformed ambulances or ready to be reformed organizations and emergency medical associations. These ambulances will be donated to villages in Senegal throughout the region and also the nation if needed.

The vehicles will be used for correct medical evacuations and to properly assist vulnerable populations. Through this official letter, the Red Cross Comite Regional de Pikine specifies that the import actions will be completely managed by the Senegalese Red Cross.

Emergency Live is providing its little support to this cause spreading this piece of news. In case you have ambulances to reform or used ambulances in your association, please contact the Senegalese Red Cross Comite Departemental de Pikine or Dr Baye Thierno Ndao. Below the link to contact them.


Dr Baye Thierno Ndao

Comite Departemental Croix-Rouge de Pikine


The newsroom of Emergency Live says thanks to the Senegalese Red Cross, in particular Dr Baye Thierno Ndao, for the confidence and for the request of our support to this cause.





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