Cupping, the pain relief therapy applied to the skin

A polka-dotted skin: this is the effect of cupping or cupping, a very ancient technique used in traditional Chinese medicine

It is currently used as an analgesic and myorelaxant therapy, through a ‘suction’ action on the skin it lowers the perception of pain and reduces muscle tone.

A number of sportsmen and women use it, particularly swimmers, who show evident cupping marks on the skin.

Cupping can relieve pain and muscle tension, but it is best applied by specialists.

How does cupping work?

It involves the application of glass cups to the skin and the removal of the oxygen inside them by means of a flame or suction with special machines.

When a vacuum is created, the skin and the layer underneath are sucked in, drawing in more blood.

The increased blood flow and the heat produced stimulate muscle relaxation and help alleviate pain.

The treatment lasts a few minutes.

Besides cupping: Kinesio taping and cross taping, the other methods

Kinesio taping is a special type of bandage that uses a special elastic cotton patch that has a predetermined elasticity; it can be used in both the orthopaedic and neurological fields.

The plaster is applied to the skin, and depending on its position, direction and the tension it exerts, it can stimulate a hypotonic muscle or relax an overworked one.

The effect is due to the presence of nerve receptors on the skin, which are able to communicate with the underlying muscles as a result of external stimuli that receive a stimulus in relation to the tension of the plaster.

Cross-taping is another technique borrowed from Asian medicine and involves the use of special, non-elastic cross-taped bandages.

Their application on acupuncture points or trigger points can stimulate or inhibit, depending on the point of application, the painful stimulus or the state of contracture of the muscle, can in some cases also reduce oedema and swelling.

This method can be combined with kinesio taping, whose pain-relieving effect it amplifies.

Even in these cases, it is best to rely on experienced therapists for their application.

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