

“他们带来流血,他们杀死。 Instead of freedom, they bring violence and they imprison all those who oppose them.他们带来自由,而不是自由,并且将所有反对暴力的人囚禁起来。 The only thing they know is violence.”他们唯一知道的是暴力。” It is the hard attack launched by Raymond Tapiwa Mupandasekwa, Bishop of Chinhoyi, to the government of Zimbabwe, strongly criticized in the country for the violent repression of protests and crisis management by COVID-19.这是钦霍伊主教雷蒙德·塔皮瓦·穆潘达塞卡瓦(Raymond Tapiwa Mupandasekwa)向津巴布韦政府发起的猛烈攻击,津巴布韦政府强烈谴责该国以暴力镇压抗议活动和管理危机的COVID-XNUMX。


主教特别谴责总统埃默森·曼南格格瓦(Emmerson Mnangagwa)的政府在XNUMX月的逮捕行动,以及长期谴责被指称密谋违反政府宪法的政治活动家和记者的保释自由。

Bishop Mupandasekwa then criticized the recent decree of Vice President Chiwenga to enrol recent graduate medics in the army.穆潘达塞克瓦主教随后批评了奇文加副总统最近的法令,要求将最近的研究生医务人员招募入伍。 Vice President and new Health Minister Constantino Chiwenga, a former army general, decreed that fresh graduate doctors must be recruited as military medics in the army, otherwise they will not be able to work in state hospitals.副总统兼新任卫生部长康斯坦丁·奇文加(Constantin Chiwenga)曾任陆军将领,下令规定必须招募新鲜的研究生医生作为军队的军医,否则他们将无法在国立医院工作。

Some 230 medical students passed their final exams and had to be sent to public hospitals as Junior Resident Medical Officers (JRMO) for three years of on-the-job training before they could open clinics.大约XNUMX名医科学生通过了期末考试,必须被送入公立医院作为初级驻地医务人员(JRMO),接受为期三年的在职培训,然后才能开设诊所。 This is a measure that aims, according to the unions, to prevent strikes by medical personnel at a time that is extremely critical for public health and the government, which is accused of failing to manage the pandemic emergency.据工会称,这是一项措施,旨在防止医务人员在对公共卫生和政府极为关键的时刻罢工,而政府被指控未能管理大流行性紧急情况。


Mupandasekwa主教说,政府通过这项“违反宪法的提议”给军队中的医生带来“极大的痛苦”。 The Freedom Party has refused to give freedom of choice to young doctors,” he said, adding that the country may soon find itself without more doctors as a result of this decree.自由党拒绝给予年轻医生选择的自由,”他说,并补充说,由于这项法令,该国可能很快就会发现自己没有更多的医生。 Public hospitals are struggling with a shortage of medicines and are relying on the support of most Western donors.公立医院在药品短缺方面苦苦挣扎,并依靠大多数西方捐助者的支持。 Senior government officials, including Chiwenga, often seek medical assistance abroad.包括奇文加在内的政府高级官员经常在国外寻求医疗援助。

Zimbabwe's 2,000 young doctors have gone on strike twice in the last 12 months, reporting wages of up to Z$9,450 ($115) per month.津巴布韦的XNUMX名年轻医生在过去XNUMX个月中两次罢工,每月工资高达XNUMX津巴布韦元(合XNUMX美元)。 Many are ready to leave after finding better-paid找到更高薪水后,许多人准备离开 工作 在该地区和国外。
The hard intervention of the Bishop of Chinhoyi follows the publication on August 14 by the Episcopal Conference of Zimbabwe of the pastoral letter, “The march is not over” (see Fides 17/8/20200).津巴布韦主教的辛苦干预之后,津巴布韦主教会议于XNUMX月XNUMX日发表了牧歌“行军尚未结束”(见信义XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)。 In their letter, the Bishops called on the government to assume its responsibilities in the face of the dramatic economic and health crisis aggravated by the coronavirus and criticized the brutal repression of protest demonstrations.主教在信中呼吁政府面对冠状病毒加剧的严重经济和健康危机,并承担起责任,并批评对抗议示威活动的残酷镇压。
