Semaglutide for obesity? Let's see what the anti-diabetic drug is and how it works

According to clinical studies, the drug Semaglutide could also be useful for the treatment of obesity and overweight

It is the drug of the moment.

On Instagram and Tik Tok in recent weeks, videos and posts by celebrities and influencers, especially American ones, have multiplied, speaking enthusiastically about Semaglutide, a molecule created for the treatment of diabetes that has now come into the limelight because it promises to make people lose weight quickly and effortlessly.

But is it really so? What is it all about?

What is Semaglutide and what is it used for?

Semaglutide is a molecule belonging to the category of ‘GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) receptor agonists’, which has been in use in the treatment of type 2 diabetes for a few years now.

The drug acts as an appetite and hunger regulator:

  • at an intestinal level, by slowing down the digestive process resulting in a greater sense of satiety, even when small volumes of food are taken;
  • at a central level on certain encephalic nuclei, by increasing the sensations of fullness and satiety and simultaneously decreasing those of hunger and desire for food.

In addition to improving glycaemic compensation for which it is used, clinical studies carried out to date have shown very encouraging results in terms of weight loss: up to 15% weight loss when combined with adequate nutritional treatment and physical activity.

Who can take semaglutide

Already authorised for years by the AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency) for the treatment of diabetes, Semaglutide can be prescribed by a specialist doctor to patients with type 2 diabetes, by drawing up a treatment plan.

The drug is not on the market with an indication for the treatment of overweight and obesity, but on the basis of promising clinical trial results, off-label, literally ‘off the label’, use of this molecule for the treatment of overweight and obesity has recently become widespread.

This is certainly an interesting prospect, an additional weapon to combat what is becoming a true pandemic, dubbed ‘Globesity’ by experts.

However, it is important to emphasise that the drug, especially if used ‘off-label’, must only be prescribed after a specialist doctor’s visit, and that the greatest efficacy is obtained if it is combined with a healthy diet and regular sports activity.

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