



根据奖项委员会,英国医师的工作 迈克尔·霍顿 和美国研究人员 哈维·艾特(Harvey Alter)和查尔斯·赖斯(Charles Rice),这些都是获奖者的名字,“挽救了数百万人的生命。 The discovery dates back to the late 1980s.该发现可追溯到XNUMX年代后期。 At that time, many scientists began to realize that the tests for recognition of Hepatitis type B identified only a small part of the infections derived from blood transfusions, and did not serve to understand the origin of the infection in its chronic manifestation.那时,许多科学家开始认识到,对B型肝炎的识别测试仅能识别出一小部分来自输血的感染,而无法理解其慢性表现的感染源。

丙型肝炎 is responsible for some of the most severe liver diseases, such as cancer and cirrhosis.负责一些最严重的肝脏疾病,例如癌症和肝硬化。 In a statement, it is specified that having isolated the virus responsible for Hepatitis C is a “goal achieved in the ongoing battle against viral diseases”, as well as having led to the creation of specific tests and treatments that “give hope that the disease can be completely eradicated in the world.在一份声明中,明确指出,分离出引起丙型肝炎的病毒是“在对抗病毒性疾病的持续斗争中取得的目标”,并且导致产生了特定的测试和治疗方法,“希望这种疾病可以在世界上彻底根除。


“恭喜Michael Houghton,Harvey J. Alter和Charles M. Rice。 These are the three virologists who were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine today.这是今天被授予诺贝尔医学奖的三位病毒学家。 Their studies have led to important discoveries on the functioning of the Hepatitis C virus.他们的研究导致了丙型肝炎病毒功能的重要发现。 In this dramatic moment is an important signal for the entire scientific community.在这个戏剧性的时刻,对于整个科学界来说都是重要的信号。 So in a post on Facebook the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza.因此,在Facebook上的卫生部长罗伯托·斯佩兰萨(Roberto Speranza)上发了言。

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