Monthly Archives

April 2024

Tragedy during an airliner flight: man dies on board

What should have been a routine journey turned into a nightmare for a family eagerly awaiting the arrival of their child: a man suffers a sudden and fatal illness during a commercial flight The day seemed to start like any other flight:…

Sleep: A Fundamental Pillar of Health

A study reveals the deep implications of sleep on human health Sleep is not just a period of passive rest, but a vital process that profoundly influences both physical and mental well-being. Cutting-edge research highlights the crucial…

Microplastics and fertility: a new threat

An innovative study has uncovered an alarming threat: the presence of microplastics in the ovarian follicular fluids of women undergoing Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) This research, led by Luigi Montano and a multidisciplinary…

Tragedy at Bargi Hydroelectric Power Plant

An incident with few precedents: a violent explosion devastates the Bargi hydroelectric plant A catastrophic event struck the Bargi (Italy) hydroelectric plant on Tuesday, April 9, around 2:30 p.m. An explosion of a turbine on the eighth…

Italian Red Cross meets with Pope Francis

A Tribute to Human Dignity and Dedication in Facing Global Challenges: Testimonies, Commemorations, and Commitment at the Vatican Audience On April 6th, a flow of six thousand volunteers from all corners of Italy poured out their affection…