Monthly Archives

December 2014

Life Form Nasco Basic Buddy CPR

Finally, an affordable manikin that you dont have to clean! The Basic Buddy™ CPR Manikin is a dramatic, inexpensive, and state-of-the-art manikin designed for teaching individuals or large groups the life-saving techniques of CPR. This…

Home care services 'close to crisis'

The home care system in England is close to crisis because of the way workers are exploited, a report says. The review, led by former Care Minister Paul Burstow, found a combination of inadequate funding and poor working practices was…

CPR: First Aid for dummies with a simple cover

The First Aid Blanket is a smart creation that will allow people who never learn CPR and life-saving manouver to applicate it immediatly. The particulary of this idea is that it comes from 2 different sides of the world, at the same time.…

Paramed ambulance Toyota Hiace standard

With twenty Years of experience and knowledge in the ever increasing demands for efficient and modern Medical Equipment, Ambulances and Emergency Medical Services (E.M.S) in the Middle-East region, the Management of Paramed International…

The facts about cardiac arrest and resuscitation (CPR)

The American Heart Association (AHA) is having its annual Scientific Session and some of the information below is taken from presentations made there. First, some initial information. A cardiac arrest is not the same as a heart attack A…