The new IN/X by FERNO at INTERSCHUTZ 2015

Ferno was one of the most interesting exhibitors at Interschutz 2015 with the new IN/X project, the first kind of electronic stretcher which have indipendent legs. This device was presented to Emergency Live by mr. Jim West, International…

The Spencer 4Bell preview at Interschutz 2015

Superior quality, high technology, advanced services: this is the secret of  Spencer’s success,  leading European EMS brand. Since 1989 Spencer has been inventing solutions for emergency services answering the most complex problems with…

INTERSCHUTZ DAY 06 | Goodbye Hannover, welcome Australia!

Deutsche Messe and the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council announce cooperation: Offshoot of INTERSCHUTZ, the world-leading exhibition for fire protection and rescue, soon to take root in Australia On Friday, June…

INTERSCHUTZ 2015: The Human in Teamwork with Robots

Hannover/Germany. At the INTERSCHUTZ 2015 firms are showing innovative equipment and research projects. Hannover: on land, sea or in the air – radio controlled drones and robots are finding their way into the future of fire departments.…