What is glycated hemoglobin?

Glycated hemoglobin is hemoglobin bound to glucose molecules. When the levels of the latter are very high for a long period of time, the hemoglobin present in the red blood cells becomes saturated with it, giving rise to glycated hemoglobin

Why measure glycated hemoglobin?

Glycated hemoglobin indicates the average blood glucose levels over the last approximately 2-3 months.

Its measurement can be useful in monitoring diabetic patients.

Glycated hemoglobin, are there preparation rules?

The sampling is usually done in the morning.

Your doctor will suggest whether you need to fast.

Is it dangerous or painful?

The exam is neither dangerous nor painful.

The patient can feel the sting as the needle enters the arm.

How is the exam carried out?

The test is performed with a simple blood sample.

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