COVID-19, 40% of coronavirus infections worldwide are 'imported'

Why is important checking every person entering a country? Of course because in many other countries, where the epidemic is acute, COVID-19 can provoke other infection in other communities.

This is what has been affirmed by the medical association of foreign origin in Italy (Associazione Medici di Origine Straniera in Italia – Amsi), by the Italian community in the arabian World (Comunita’ del mondo arabo – Co-mai) and by the Unione Medica Euro Mediterranea (Umem). They present their statistics about the COVID-19 infections in the world and in Italy thanks to the collaboration of representatives in 72 countries and the numerous international research and studies with experts in the field.


COVID-19 infections worldwide, the report

Amsi reports that 40% of the infected people in the world are imported people from countries where the epidemic is in Acute Phase; 85% of the infected people are concentrated in about 10 countries. The reasons for the increase of COVID-19 infections in June are import infections, lack of respect of the 3 important rules (masks, social distancing and hygiene); increase in the number of those healed and treated at home thanks to the home therapy protocol, in particular, the first 5 days recommended by UMEM and Amsi in 72 countries; irregular immigration to Libya and Europe increased in June but they are about 2% of those infected in Europe.

Moreover, regular and irregular migrants infected since the beginning of the crisis in Italy are 6% of the total, in Europe, they are 8% of those infected.


Amsi on COVID-19 infections

In the same note issued by Amsi we can read, “These are statistics that invite us all not to let our guard down on COVID-19 infections and continue to respect the three important rules and control all the borders (airports, buses, cars, trains and sea) to fight the imported Coronavirus without distinction, especially in regions where there is greater mobility and where there are outbreaks of infection and outbreaks such as Lazio, Veneto, Lombardy, Apulia, Trento, Piedmont, Liguria, Sicily, Calabria, Basilicata and Emilia Romagna. Irregular immigration, which is increasing in the month of June, must also be fought and human and universal rights must be protected, especially in Libya, and the countries of origin must be helped in their battles against irregular immigration with concrete projects of international cooperation on the spot and to enforce bilateral agreements”.

Therefore Amsi concluded saying, “We reiterate our proposals and urgent requests to the Italian Government;

  1. COVID-19 prevention card for irregular migrants in all regions;
  2. Increase health checks in migrants’ centres in Italy;
  3. Check all those coming from countries at risk, both migrants and tourists;
  4. Involve more doctors and health professionals and family doctors and paediatricians of foreign and Italian origin to intensify prevention and overcome the linguistic difficulty and fear of turning to public facilities in order not to be reported;
  5. Support Tunisia in this difficult moment that is causing more immigration to Italy, France and European countries.
  6. To have a more incisive role in Libya in favour of human rights and to avoid tragedies and killings of migrants in the CPR;
  7. To review the support, financing and respect for human and universal rights of the Libyan Coast Guard”.



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