Do you suffer from orchiepidimitis? Here's why and what you can do

Orchiepidimitis is an inflammation that affects many men. It is a more common problem than you might think

Although very bothersome, it can be cured relatively quickly if you seek medical attention in good time.

Let’s take a detailed look at what it is, what the symptoms are, how to treat it, and how to prevent it from recurring.

What is orchiepidimitis?

Orchiepididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis and testis.

The former is a part of the male genital apparatus, a duct of small diameter in which sperm is formed.

The second is the male sex gland.

Simultaneous inflammation of these two structures is called orchiepididymitis.

In some cases, only the epididymis is inflamed, and one will speak of epididymitis, and in others, only the testicle, and thus one will speak of orchitis.

Most men between the ages of twenty and forty are affected by orchidimitis, but it is not uncommon to find it in younger or older men as well.

Usually the disease spreads to these organs from the urinary tract or due to a sexually transmitted disease.

In most cases, the infection resolves with a course of antibiotics, after which the situation will return to normal.

Usually recovery is complete, and cases in which serious complications occur due to orchiepidimitis are rare.

The worst scenario is one that can lead to testicular atrophy, i.e. a reduction in the volume of one or both testicles.

There are many causes that can lead to the development of orchiepididymitis

For this reason, it is important to consult a doctor who will have to take a complete medical history of the patient in order to diagnose the pathology and propose the most suitable treatment to resolve the problem.

The patient’s age, sexual habits, the severity and mode of onset (gradual or sudden) of the pain are necessary information to set a correct diagnostic course.

Causes of orchiepidimitis include

  • urinary tract infection,
  • sexually transmitted infection,
  • recent urogenital surgery,
  • medication,
  • other.

Urinary tract infection

Germs and bacteria such as Escherichia coli, which cause urinary tract infections, can sometimes cause orchiepidimitis.

This can happen at any age and is the most common cause of infection in men over the age of 35.

This is because partial blockage of urinary flow becomes more common with increasing age due to an enlarged prostate or narrowing of the urethra.

If urine stagnates and is not excreted normally, a genitourinary tract infection is more likely to develop.

Although more common in adult males, orchiepidimitis in young boys is mainly due to this reason.

Sexually transmitted infection

Sexually transmitted infections are the most common cause of orchiepidimitis in young men.

It most often occurs in conjunction with infections with chlamydia and gonorrhoea.

Typically, these infections attack the urethra causing urethritis, but can also affect the vas deferens, opening the way to the epididymis and testis.

Prostate or urethral surgery

These are rare cases, but it can happen that, following surgery, microorganisms can reach the testicles.

In the past, orchiepidimitis was very common in men who had to have prostate surgery and, in many cases, it happened that this infection developed following surgery.

Today it happens very rarely: techniques have improved and it is unlikely that this side effect occurs.


Orchiepidimitis can occasionally be a side effect of a medicine called amiodarone.

This is a drug that is used to treat certain cardiac arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation, and in the prevention of recurrent ventricular tachycardias.

Infection can usually develop following the use of large doses of this drug, whereas it does not occur if it is taken at a low dosage.

You should contact your doctor immediately if you use this medicine and start experiencing symptoms of orchiepidimitis.

Other viral infections can rarely be causes of orchiepididymitis

It may occur in men with tuberculosis or brucellosis or in those with a very compromised immune system.

In this case, the subject’s defences will be lower, and the person more prone to contract infectious diseases.

Symptoms and complications of orchiepidimitis

The symptoms of orchiepidimitis usually develop very quickly.

Typically, those who contract this infection begin to feel pain and discomfort within a day of infection.

With orchiepididymitis, the affected epididymis and testis swell rapidly, the scrotum becomes oedematous, and becomes sensitive and reddened.

Depending on the severity of the infection, it can also be very painful.

Other symptoms may appear depending on the nature of the disorder.

If orchiepidimitis is caused by a urinary infection, the person will experience pain on urination.

Or, if the infection has developed from a urethral problem, there may be a purulent discharge from the penis.

As with all infections, you may experience a fever (even a very high one) and a strong sense of malaise.

For this reason, it is advisable to contact the general practitioner immediately in order to start the most correct treatment in good time.


If you suspect that you are suffering from this disease, you should contact your GP so that he or she can make an accurate diagnosis.

In order to find out whether it is this infection, and not a disorder of another nature, the doctor will have to perform diagnostic tests.

If a urine infection seems to be the main cause, a urine test will be performed.

If, on the other hand, a sexually transmitted infection is thought to be the cause, the doctor will usually proceed with a urethral swab.

If orchiepidimitis is diagnosed, it is necessary to warn sexual partners: they too must be tested to see whether they have contracted or are transmitting the infection.

Imaging tests can also be performed to assess the structures that make up the geniturinary system: in this case the infection could be caused by a blockage, more or less important, of the urinary tract.


The category of drugs needed to treat orchiepidimitis is the same as those used to treat other types of infections: we are talking about antibiotics.

Once the diagnosis has been made, the appropriate treatment is administered.

Normally, these drugs work and start to give their first effects after a few days: the pain usually subsides after three or four days from the start of treatment, while the swelling may remain longer.

The latter, in fact, may begin to subside even after a week.

Or, in more severe cases, it may take longer.

The important thing is to be consistent in taking the treatment, and to proceed with the course of antibiotics as advised by the doctor.

In the event that the orchiepidimitis has been transmitted sexually, one should not have intercourse until the end of treatment.

Only once the infection has resolved will it be possible to resume sexual activity.

It should be remembered that the infection does not guarantee immunity, only protected intercourse prevents further transmission of this infection.

In addition to treatment with antibiotics, there are some useful behaviours to alleviate the pain caused by orchiepidimitis.

One of these is the use of suitable underwear that can support the genitals in position.

It is advisable to pay attention to the material and to prefer cotton underwear: this is a soft, light, natural and hypoallergenic material, which prevents infection and is suitable for all skin types, even the most delicate; it protects against moisture, thanks to its absorbent and breathable capacities, and reduces the risk of developing fungal, bacterial and other infections.

Another way to relieve the pain caused by orchiepidimitis is to use ice packs to put on the testicles.

It will help reduce swelling and speed up the healing process, decreasing the feeling of discomfort.

It is important not to apply ice directly to the skin to avoid injuring it.

If the pain is unbearable, it is a good idea to consult your doctor about taking painkillers if necessary.

It is very important not to take other medications yourself: in some cases, although rare, they may not be compatible with the antibiotic treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Always consult your doctor is the best way to avoid unpleasant complications that could jeopardise recovery.

Prevention of orchiepidimitis

Prevention is very important, so let’s take a look at tips to reduce the risk of developing orchiepididymitis.

If the person is prone to developing urinary tract infections, it is advisable to avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks that may increase the risk of infection.

Excessive coffee consumption may also affect these complaints. Always wear underwear made of cotton or another hypoallergenic material.

Obviously, you should use precautions during sexual intercourse to protect your own health and that of your partner.

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