Jeff Bauman, Pulitzer prize for a rescue story
What made Josh Haner’s Pulitzer prize winning photo story of well known Boston Marathon bombing survivor Jeff Bauman so powerful? It’s that the photo story so closely and painfully evoke scenes seared into the American psyche of American soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. Given the fear of terrorism and the perceived threat to “homeland security,” the trauma that emanates from Haner’s photos of Bauman’s treatment and recovery not only recall so many photos from places like Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Bethesda and Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, but the photos almost tie the episodes together. – See more at BANGNEWS
In the cover photo: Medical responders and a bystander, Carlos Arredondo (in the cowboy hat), rush Bauman from the scene in what became a symbolic image of the Boston Marathon carnage. Charles Krupa/Associated Press